Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine views human beings as microcosms of the universe. Human brains contain about as many neurons and human bodies about the same number of cells as there are stars in our galaxy. The electrons within our cells orbit protons the way the Earth circles the sun, and at the same speed. And we breathe the air that has been breathed by every person and animal that has ever lived - Gandhi, Mary Magdalene, and pterodactyls.
According to Chinese medicine, everything in nature, including people, is composed of one energy or life force, called qi (pronounced "chee"). Like electricity, this energy aligns itself according to negative and positive polarities known as yin and yang and exists on three levels: source, soul, and spirit. People also live according to the changes of the four seasons, exhibit five energetic tendencies, follow six directions, and have eight primary modes of interaction based on the energies found in nature. When all of these systems are in balance, we exhibit a state of harmonious, high-quality energy that enables us to function at a higher level as well. When we are in balance, we are healthy, with vitality flowing unobstructed through our body, mind, and spirit.
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The Three Levels of Energy
Some practitioners of Eastern healing believe that life is lived in a kind of upward-lifting spiral that follows the grid of horizontal and vertical energy I just described. Our lower energies, or pure potential, are at the bottom, the source level; and our highest energies, or spirit, are at the top. In the middle is the soul level, in which we interact with the world. Our aim throughout life is to move from the lowest level to the highest. When Should You Try To Conceive
We live at the source or "essence" level - the foundation or energy spring - during the first phase of our life. During that time we connect with our potential and live centered on ourselves. You only have to look at a newborn baby to see this: she stays tightly coiled, her arms and legs pulled in, her hands clenched, gripping any finger with which they come in contact; she is comfortable when she is swaddled, just as she was when she was enclosed within the uterus. Once she emerges, she lives according to her genetic imprint, and as she continues to follow that blueprint she layers on top of it what her life will become.
Research in quantum physics has shown that our beliefs actually reinforce and reshape the very structure of our DNA. In his book The Biology of Belief, scientist and scholar Bruce Lipton tells us that the structure of our DNA changes as we open up to new ways of being and change ourselves by modifying how we look at the world. In our potential, source state, our DNA is tightly coiled, governed by the survival instinct and fear. Yet, when we discover the Divine potential within ourselves, a new structure emerges. Accepting our Divine state of being then fuels our climb to higher levels, where we become stronger, more aligned, and more joyful.
The second stage, or soul or "qi" level, is where we interact with the world. At this stage our efforts are focused on doing (outwardly expanding) or on being (focused inward). It is here that we can rewrite aspects of our inherited potential - actually improving upon our genetic design - by treating ourselves well and interacting positively with our environment. We aren't victims of our inherited DNA; we can choose our body's expression and experience. Ancient Chinese medicine refers to this principle as "tonifying our ancestors," meaning nourishing ourselves until the pool of our entire collective - past, present, and future - is improved by our own intention and attention to our own well-being. By embracing our Divine potential and living according to its dictates we can redefine our lives.
The third, or spirit, stage is where our Divine potential blossoms. This stage is where we completely uncoil to let our highest self emerge. We unclench and live to the fullest, free of all constraints. We open ourselves to the wonders of creation and unleash the powers of the universe to live our passion. When Should You Try To Conceive
All of us have the ability to raise our energy from its primordial potential to its highest capacity and find the balance and happiness we seek. Using the vertical-horizontal energy grid to find balance within and without, you're going to learn to recognize and utilize all of your energies to break away from habits that have kept you stuck in unhealthy patterns, and to empower you to gain control of your body, mind, and spirit. As the Serbian proverb says, "Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars." You are made of the earth and stars. I encourage you to follow The Way to find your deepest purpose and express it joyfully - to learn what makes the earth move and the stars dance for you.
How I Transformed My Own Genetic Blueprint
My passion for my work is directly related to my personal experiences with the healing power I discovered in the Tao and in traditional Chinese medicine. I was born into circumstances that left me feeling alone and unworthy. As a teenager and then an adult I felt ill-equipped for life and had little confidence.
Eventually, I spoke with a tremor in my voice and believed l was utterly worthless. I didn't know how worthwhile I was or even how worthwhile it was to be alive. I did not recognize the spark of the Divine inside me, only the story line I was living. Because of that my potential was not realized.
I tried to overcome my lack of self-worth by going overboard in trying to prove myself worthy. I chose partners I thought would make me feel better about myself, not those who were actually good for me and I for them. I smoked, drank too much, exercised too much, worked too much, and defined myself by how I looked and by what others thought of me. Of course, none of this helped - I still was unable to reach my highest capacity.
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Not, that is, until I found the Divine spark that was tightly coiled within me. After years of reckless behavior, I found my way back to myself. When I lost all hope, I surrendered to life and found the place of stillness inside. And when I became still, I started appreciating the inherent joy of living. I realized that simply by being alive I was worthy.
With that understanding, I was able to move away from the purposeless and exhausting life I was living, in which I was constantly trying to prove myself, and toward using my talents to reach my highest good. I created new boundaries for myself.
I chose healthy relationships. I learned to live from a place of joy rather than fear. My unhappy circumstances gave me rich fuel for my ultimate transformation and I grabbed that fuel and ignited it. Now I live following my own Divine guidance choice by choice, without stress (unless I choose it), moment by moment. In this way my life keeps getting better. The universe keeps providing, beyond my wildest dreams. I am so grateful that life gave me the opportunity to rise from the source level into which I had been born to higher, more joyful states of being. To learn more, you can check out When Should You Try To Conceive.