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Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility Treatment

Male infertility can be caused by all sorts of sperm defects (low volume, low motility, irregular shape), erectile dysfunction and obstructions (varicocele and prostatitis).
If there is zero or extremely low count, it is best to seek advice from a fertility specialist who may recommend ICSI to optimize fertilization.
Some things men can do to enhance their fertility is to avoid alcohol and smoking, reduce poor quality fats in the diet and increase exercise. But there are two basic strategies to optimize male fertility. First clear any obstructions and then "tone" the reproductive tissue.

Male Infertility Treatment

Female Infertility Treatment - Strengthing Your Reproductive System

Female Infertility Treatment

My discovery of a way to fall pregnant is connected to ancient knowledge of Ayurveda and Korean treatment Su Jok therapy. Combining these two methods, I believe, can give women the ability to have healthy children even after years of infertility.
My teacher taught me to "prepare the ground and the seeds will flourish" and that is the best advice for boosting fertility.
Whether you decide to use traditional medical intervention or Eastern Medicine Techniques or a combination of both to treat your individual infertility problems, the first step in getting pregnant and having healthy babies is preparing your reproductive system.
Female Infertility Treatment

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment - Su Jok Treatment

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment

Su Jok treatment involves acupuncture and acupressure which you can do at home by yourself. The only thing you need to know are the acupressure points on hands and feet so you can stimulate them regularly at home.
What Su Jok can heal

Since its inception, Su Jok has spread all over the world, especially in Russia, Ukraine and India. It is not only cheap therapy - its basics can be learned within half an hour - there are no drugs administered and there are no side effect. Anybody can heal themselves and the members of their families through Su Jok! 

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment

Infertility Treatment Options - Asian Method To Fertile

Infertility Treatment Options


Su Jok therapy was discovered by a Korean scientist, Prof. Park Jae Woo, who after many years of careful observation and clinical experience developed a new system of therapy using only the hands and feet to affect the same results as body acupuncture. He found a complete correspondence system representing the whole body, on the hands and the feet. In Korean, Su means "Hand" and Jok means "Feet."
From a practical point of view there are two corresponding systems:
Infertility Treatment Options

Treatment Of Infertility

Treatment Of Infertility

Ayurveda has a set basis for our daily pattern of living. The environment and bodily processes have many natural cycles and pace which should be taken into consideration in our daily routine. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the functions they control, get stimulated at different times of the day. 

Given below are the times when Vata, Pitta and Kapha and functions are most active:
2:00 AM to 6:00 AM Vata active 
Awake before 6:00 AM 
Good time for meditation
6:00 AM to 10: AM Kapha active
Good for exercise 
Avoid sleeping in this period
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Pitta active 
Digestion is strongest
Largest meal at lunch (12:30)
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Vata active 
Tendency for tiredness
Herbal tea & spices in water or milk 
Rejuvenate with meditation
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Kapha active 
Evening walk
To bed before 10 PM  

10:00 PM to 2:00 AM Pitta active 
Metabolic housecleaning strong 
Sleep for best purification 

Natural Infertility Treatment - Kapha

Natural Infertility Treatment

To find out how much Kapha you have, answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions:
  1. Can you gain weight easily?
  2. Is losing weight difficult for you?
  3. Can you skip meals easily? 
  4. Do you have congestion, mucus or sinus problems? 
  5. Do you have a deep sleep?  
  6. Do you have thick, oily, dark or wavy hair?
  7. Do you have smooth and soft skin with pale complexion?
  8. Do you have a large body frame with a heavy bone structure? 
  9. Do you have a slow digestion and feel full after eating? 
  10. Do you have a steady energy level and strong stamina? 
  11. Are you sensitive to cool and damp weather? 
  12. Do you tend to be slow, methodical and relaxed? 
  13. Do you need at least 10 hours of sleep? 
  14. Are you calm and composed by nature? 
  15. Are you a slow learner but have a good memory? 
  16. Do you work slowly and consistently? 
  17. You don't like responsibility. 
Natural Infertility Treatment

Free Infertility Treatments - Pitta

Free Infertility Treatments

To find out how much Pitta you have, answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions:
  1. You don't tolerate hot weather very well. 
  2. Do you sweat easily?
  3. You can't tolerate delaying or skipping a meal.
  4. Do you have fine, straight, light, blond, red, early balding or greying hair?
  5. You have a good appetite and like big meals.
  6. You have regular bowel movements rather on the loose side. 
  7. Do you like cold drinks and foods? 
  8. Do you feel hot easily? 
  9. You can't tolerate spicy, hot foods easily. 
  10. Are you efficient organized and accurate? 
  11. Do you have a strong will and tend to be stubborn? 
  12. Are you impatient by nature? 
  13. Do you have tendency to become irritable or angry quite easily? 
  14. Do you try to be meticulous and to be a perfectionist? 
  15. Are you critical of self and others? 
Free Infertility Treatments