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Best Period To Conceive - External Actions To Internal Blueprint

Best Period To Conceive

Just as energy flows through our bodies, it also flows through our brains. And just as bodily energy can become blocked and stagnate, so can the energy in the mind. Because we create our reality out of our thoughts, imbalanced brain energy and negative thought patterns can obstruct our ability to create the reality we dream of.

The mind controls the body's responses and actions through positive thoughts, the placebo (literally, "I shall please") effect, and negative thoughts, the nocebo ("I shall harm") effect. Those who believe they are, going to recover from an illness usually do, and those who think they are going to die are more likely to.

Best Period To Conceive

Women who believe they are weak become sickly. People who complain they never get a break never do. Those who fear they may be infertile usually become so. Over and over, the body plays out the story that the mind creates. Releasing negative thoughts and beliefs associated with the lower thought patterns of fear, anger, worry, and grief and looking instead for evidence of love, well-being, abundance, and joy open women to experience unimpeded possibility. Best Period To Conceive

From the first nine secrets you learned to rebalance your body's energies to reach your highest level and find the calm within. Now we will integrate that knowledge with the workings of your mind for complete well-being.

Early on in my career I treated many people with depressive disorders and other mental disturbances. Working with them made me understand that psychological discord, which shows up as chemical imbalances in the lab, is not actually disease but rather energetic imbalances that manifest as mental disruption. These deep imbalances result from ignoring our true nature and resisting the flow of the universe.

Rachel was a pharmacist who had an apothecary at her daily disposal. As patients refilled their anxiolytic and antidepressant prescriptions, Rachel realized that she, too, was anxious and depressed. She started helping herself to the abundant promises of "feel good" drugs and eventually became addicted to Xanax. She also lost her job and her pharmacy license.

Reaching this state was actually the beginning of Rachel's real healing, because it forced her to look at her life. When she did that, she realized that she had become a pharmacist to prove to her alcoholic father that she was smart and worthy and wouldn't succumb to his vices. But her perceived antidote had become her poison.

Eventually, Rachel went into therapy. She also followed the ten secrets to deal with the emotions behind her depression. As her brain cleared and her body and spirit healed, she discovered her inner truth and realized that becoming a naturopathic physician was her true purpose - which she did.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not ascribe a particular organ system to brain function. Instead, the brain is viewed as an extension of the kidneys, a kind of information processor generated by the kidneys' essence; the spinal column and the brain stem are also considered extensions of the kidneys. However, thoughts and the functioning of the brain are ascribed to the five energy elements, each of which is associated with a particular area of the brain and its functions. Each element also has a special association with memory and higher intelligence. As with the physical and emotional beings, the workings of our own mind provide a blueprint of reality that links us to the elements in nature. Note that the representation of the brain is actually a mirror image of outer life.

All of the brain's functional areas are connected by a network of corpus callossum fibers that allows us to do multiple mental and physical tasks simultaneously. Women who have raised their consciousness and found wisdom and insight actually increase the functioning of the corpus callossum fibers and have access to all domains at once. Researchers have found that the brain function of those who meditate regularly has more action in the higher-functioning frontal lobe than the lower-functioning brain structures. The upper center of the frontal lobe lights up with the state of intention and sets up the rest of our brain's priority by what we choose to attend to.

In later years, changing hormone levels can alter brain function. There are changes in the ability to concentrate, and people often experience emotional ups and downs. Then, as we move further toward death, we lose some short-term memory. Long-term memory function remains, but our senses start to fail us, as well as certain functions that are tied to survival. As difficult as these changes can be, it makes sense that, as we are pulled closer to spirit, our worldly survival functions decrease, helping us to let go of the world. Best Period To Conceive

Western society is obsessed with finding the fountain of youth through external means, but there are people everywhere quietly living long, fruitful lives, who radiate inner health and happiness with increasing power until they joyfully leave their bodies. Decline doesn't mean decay. The process of aging isn't something to be resisted. With the lessening of the five senses, the emphasis becomes less about the form of this manifestation. As our outer vision begins to weaken, our inner vision sharpens. The letting go of the physical is a natural process of releasing to spirit.

Best Period To Conceive

Like the migratory birds that have the iron-based chemical magnetite in their brains that helps them navigate, our human brains guide us through life like a sophisticated compass. And like the qi gong masters, yogis, and others who exercise their ability to tap into nature, we, too, can increase our ability to navigate well by rebalancing the energy elements of the mind.

Instead of fighting the situation and keeping yourself trapped in that pattern, it's possible to uncover the real cause of the problem and correct the imbalance through meditation and reflection. To learn more, you can check out Best Period To Conceive.

Best Season To Get Pregnant - Reenergize Your Body

Best Season To Get Pregnant

Step 4: Liberate

From tapping into your unobstructed healing energies within, your body becomes more open, enabling you to become a channel for creation.

To open yourself to receive your heart's warmth and your body's healing energies, go back to the center of your being, the chamber of essence. Picture your earliest memory of yourself as a baby. Breathe deeply into your source and meditate on the face of that child. See in her eyes the full potential of who she was created to be - before she received any messages about who she should be. This is your true self. Her essence contains your innate gifts and her Divine spark is your Divine spark. She is the inner driver of your subconscious mind.

Now, bring those gifts and dreams into your present-day self. Integrate the two parts of yourself and feel the life and the love. Receive. Be grateful. Acknowledge who you are. As the river accepts the raindrops and the ocean welcomes the rivers that flow to it, it is your nature to receive, for you are a channel of creation. Realize that you are a miracle and that, by staying true to your true nature, you can live your greatest dream. 

Tina, a retreat participant, describes her journey through the inner universe: Best Season To Get Pregnant

Then began one of the most profound experiences of my life. It was so intense that it seemed to go to the very core of my being, my very life force. Suddenly, I was lying next to everyone in this circle and people were all around me, but despite this I felt the deep reality of how alone each of us is. As single souls we enter the world and as single souls we die - the realization of this was so powerful. I understood that no one can be what I am or experience what I am feeling except for me, that each of us, although we exist along-side each other, has a personal and unique journey.

The power of that feeling was overwhelming - as if a curtain had been removed from between my normal daily life and the profound reality of life. The truth was laid bare. It was at that moment that I thought that in this lonely life the most precious gifts might not be granted to me. I think for the first time ever I really came face to face with my fears, the fears I kept so tightly locked away. At that point I welled up with tears so intense they were unstoppable. Sobs shook my body, rising from deep in the base of my stomach.

But then a sort of withdrawal started to take place. An image formed as I faced my fears. Above me was a circle, a Source, and behind me the world and all that I hold dear. Over my shoulder I could see and sense the green world, my dear, dear angelic husband, the dreams I had for my life. Amazingly, despite the fact that my hopes and my dear one was behind me, I was focused on the circle above. I kept repeating to the circle, "Bring me closer to you, let me come closer to you, take me to you."

The intensity of my pleas grew to equal the intensity of my sobs and seemed to come from the same place, deep at the bottom of my stomach. But then I became overwhelmed by the realization that despite all my yearning, I didn't need anything or anyone - not even my husband, who is such a treasure to me.

I gradually realized, like some sort of gift being handed to me, that the only true source of peace, comfort, and joy was the Source above me. Everything else was a diversion, even an illusion. It was as if I was moving towards a universal center and that all earthly things were behind me. Only my desire to move closer to the source remained.

As I kept pleading to move closer, I realized that I wanted nothing else, just that. Everything that I had yearned for and that I had and cherished seemed insignificant. Then, in the depth of the experience I began to fear that perhaps I actually wanted to die, but I realized that this couldn't be because my heart was full of love and longing for the Source above me. Best Season To Get Pregnant

Afterwards I remembered a saying by the prophet of Islam, Muhammad: "Die before you die." I wondered if this was what I had felt. The experience had the feel of passing into a different realm and through different and intense emotions, in some way a death-like experience. It was an abandonment of everything that I held dear. which all seemed minor, almost illusory, compared to the Source. Through that understanding and that experience I found my unity, my strength, my peace within. I became the healer I was looking for. 

Best Season To Get Pregnant

Mandala Making 

The final step in savoring the inner journey is one of my favorite retreat projects: mandala making. Put on soft music, take a piece of paper, and draw a large circle on it, nearly touching the edges, Then draw a smaller circle in the middle of it that represents the earth. Then separate the large circle into the four quadrants of the other elements, Wood, Metal, Fire, Water.

On a copy of the circle, use paints, markers, pencils, or chalk to draw a pictorial representation of what you felt and saw on your inner journey, to help you integrate your meditation into the creative aspect of your body and mind. Display your mandala on your wall or sacred space afterwards to remind you of your growth and change. Make a mandala each time you feel yourself growing and changing. The artistic process can access answers from deep within and show you the way. To learn more, you can check out Best Season To Get Pregnant.

How To Get Pregnant The First Try - Healing Your Body First

How To Get Pregnant The First Try

The liver
The large, expansive liver, which is located under your right rib cage, branches out to purify, transform, and rid the body of all that is not helpful or useful. Bring your attention to your liver and visualize the color green - sprouting, growing, expanding, and generating. Think of a tiny acorn becoming a towering oak and the energy that requires.

Now connect with your own power and reflect on whether there are any inner directives you haven't carried out. Do you have pain stuck inside that festers as anger or some other emotion? Have certain barriers prevented your growth? Are there situations you feel have caused you to stagnate? Do unfulfilled desires bind you up inside? Remember that denying what you find inside will not allow a solution to emerge. Locate any tightness and recognize how and where the frustration has produced tension in your body.

How To Get Pregnant The First Try

Then, feel how the trapped tension wants to get out. Breathe quickly and shallowly around it - hyperventilating - until it is bursting with the attention of your own qi. Then, let the tension rise to the surface of your body, moving upward and outward, and release it deliberately, even forcefully: flail your arms, scream, stomp - whatever it takes to get the tension out. 

Next, turn your appreciation inward to the liver's ability to transform and the strength it provides you to achieve your goals. Connect with your deepest vision, your innermost dreams. See them clearly. When you connect with the power of your imagination, you unleash the power of inner transformation and allow your dreams to become reality. Breathe your own healing breath into your liver and feel the pressure release as the energy flows freely. Be grateful to your liver for all it does for you. How To Get Pregnant The First Try

The spleen
The earth energies of the spleen, stomach, and pancreas allow you to take in what you need to nourish yourself and release the rest through the bowels. The earth energies also represent the thought process, which can be ineffective when cluttered by constant thinking that doesn't produce action. Ask yourself if your thought process is clear and unhindered or if it is weakened by worry. Do you obsess about what you don't have?

To unclutter your thoughts, bring your awareness to your solar plexus, midway between your breastbone and your belly button, where the earth energies are located. Focus on your center. Consider whether you are able to let in things that are good for you and nourish your body and soul and if you're able to release things that don't support you. Breathe deeply into the middle of your abdomen, the home of your spleen and stomach, and focus on the breath. Fill your empty abdomen with earth energies and let them untie the knots of worry and obsessive thought. Release the thoughts and open up your center to let fresh, healthy nourishment in. Allow an internal vacancy that can be filled with fresh options.

Take some deep, cleansing breaths and experience the state of openness and receptivity. Let thoughts come and then let them go, like clouds passing through an open sky. In this state, like a magnet, you draw to yourself the focus of your intention.

The lungs
Healthy lung energies represent the face you show the world. They enable you to both form bonds with others and relinquish those that are no longer in line with your highest purpose. The lungs symbolize the solidified physical self at one end of the spectrum, rigid and confined, and the ability to decay, dissolve, and be reborn at the other end. Hildegard von Bingen said, "The soul is for the body as the sap is for the tree," and the soul energies unfold as the tree unfolds its gestalt. The lungs signify the return to the innermost self, the way a tree provides sap to its roots in the winter.

To activate the lung energies, bring your awareness to the center of your chest. Feel the inward pull as your chest expands on the inhalation. Feel yourself being breathed, in and out, through no effort on your part as you breathe in the aroma of life. Bring your awareness to how your breath moves inward, representing the contraction of sorrow from your initial separation from the Divine. Follow the movement to the center of your chest and then feel its contraction of individuation as it meets the heart's outpouring of love. This is the place where your separate self ends and you become one with the spirit of existence. How To Get Pregnant The First Try

Notice how your breath continues through you - to benefit from it, all you have to do is receive it. Feel the acceptance and embrace the breath of life. Feel the clear, crisp, cool white energy rush in and out with each breath you take. Feel the courage you receive by accepting and surrendering to every breadth. Release each breath fully, opening yourself up to receive again. Exhale fully, relinquishing everything that has kept you from expressing your highest good.

How To Get Pregnant The First Try

The heart
The heart, the empress of the body, mind, and spirit, circulates pure, unconditional love through your body and connects your spirit with the spirit of the universe. The heart energies are passionate and warm, expansive and limitless, and, when the heart is healthy, they radiate peace, love, and joy.

To activate these energies, bring your awareness to the center of your chest. Feel the warmth of your heart and see how deep inside you can feel its beat. Now, expand the feeling and see how far you can project your heart's love outward into the cosmos. Continue to do this for as long as you can. As you project love, you honor yourself with the power of the spirit. To learn more, you can check out How To Get Pregnant The First Try.

How To Fall Pregnant Fast - Inviting the Winds of Change

How To Fall Pregnant Fast

Chinese medicine incorporates the concept of an internal wind, which not only accounts for internal shaking movements like twitches but also initiates the alchemical transformation process, which can be seen when someone in a deep meditative state begins to shake. This tremendous force gives power from within just as the earth restructures itself through earthquakes; the internal winds of change come from awareness that things inside need to change.

How To Fall Pregnant Fast

To start your transformation, invite the purification process by allowing your internal winds to blow and paying no attention to the external winds in your environment. Instead of blaming outside forces, let your internal wind help you reclaim your personal power. When you know you have control over the way you react to any situation, you can take full responsibility for all you do, instead of avoiding, denying, or resisting reality in harmful ways, such as escaping through addictive behaviors or substances.

In the depths of your being, water will transform you as the immense geyser of your true self erupts. As Lao Tzu tells us, you will "be like water, and go to the places loathed by [wo]men ... deep beyond knowing ... still enough to awaken slowly into life ... and you'll wear away into completion." How To Fall Pregnant Fast

To go to your depths and release the powerful winds of change within you, perform the following exercise regularly, being gentle with yourself throughout and remembering that there are no wrong responses. This is the complete process of inner alchemy, the pieces of which we have explored up to this point. Create a comfortable and sacred meditation space in your home; when your world becomes sacred, without and within, the Divine will step in to help you reach your goals. The more you practice, the more you will become acquainted with your purifying inner depths.

Journey Through the Body's Inner Universe 

This exercise is best performed in a chair, with your bare feet planted on the ground and your head lifted. Breathe in through your nose, following the breath past your heart, lowering your diaphragm to allow your belly to stick out as you inhale and to sink naturally as you exhale, The deeper you breathe, the lower your energy level will drop.

Start by bringing your attention to the center of the bottom of your feet, the source of the bubbling spring. Root yourself to the earth and feel the warmth coming up to you from the magma in the center of the earth. Follow this energy up, through your legs, your sacrum, spine, neck, and head. Then bring your awareness to the top of your head and draw in healing energy from the sun, which melts you from your head down. Feel your head melt into your ears and face and neck and your neck muscles melt into your shoulders. Let your shoulders melt. When you feel completely relaxed, begin the following exercise.

Step 1: Harvest your inner potential

Bring your awareness to just below your navel, where your most powerful energy lives, in the lower chamber of essence where the uterus resides. Feel yourself breathing in and out through your chamber, as though your belly button is doing the breathing. Fill your belly and pelvis with the qi of life. Then extend the channel that runs horizontally along your hip bones like a belt and feel it as a shield protecting your body.

Step 2: Activate your qi

The microcosmic breath
Breathe in through your nose, placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Draw a golden cord of light through the microcosmic orbit: begin at the perineum, between your vaginal and anal openings, and draw the breath energy up to your navel and chest to connect with the energetic point between your eyebrows and up to your crown. Release the exhalation
down your neck, spine, and tailbone, scooping up air with the next inhalation. Continue this form of breathing throughout the exercise.

The internal smile
This smile is one you don't simply make with your lips. This is a cellular smile that enlivens your organs with appreciation. Like when you gaze at a loved one, send love and attention to each of your organs to encourage them to function optimally and help you find peace within. How To Fall Pregnant Fast

Step 3: Heal

If you encounter a blockage as you do this part of the exercise, allow yourself to feel it and move through it. To refine the pain into a source of healing, connect with and regulate each of the energy elements and its organ system through quiet reflection.

The kidneys
Breathe into your source with the intention of opening yourself up to learn who you are at your core. As you breathe in, feel your kidneys in your lower back, tucked beneath your bottom ribs. Bring the warmth of your heart's fire down past your kidneys and into your chamber of essence to connect with the life-giving energies of the uterus.

How To Fall Pregnant Fast

Feel into the depths of your being, your essence, your makeup, the home of your DNA, the person you are meant to be. Deep within, deeper than what you do in life, deeper than the fear of not being enough, lies your original Divine gift. You consist of all that came before you, in a unique patterning of your life. Your DNA contains messages passed down from your ancestors that are always available to you. Think about places in your life that are working, and about what you would like to see more or less of. 

Think about what you have covered up and need to expose to yourself. Acknowledge the latter gently and compassionately - life can be hard, and all of us need to withdraw at times. Breathe into your fear, see it for what it is, see that it has no power over you, then release it from the safety and security of your own source. Feel the spark of the Divine and listen to your inner voice, which will always tell you truths. To learn more, you can check out How To Fall Pregnant Fast.

How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly - Meditation to Turn the Light Around

How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly

Begin by sitting comfortably and taking same long, deep breaths. Bring your awareness behind the center of your  eyes. Feel a connection between that point and the center of your head where the energies of your ears converge. In Taoist tradition, if you listen when there is no sound, what you hear is the universe, the sound of creation. So listen to the soundlessness of your breath and feel the power of the silence within. Notice how you can receive the information your senses provide you without interpretation or judgment; if you find such thoughts creeping in, acknowledge them and then let them go and return attention to your breath.

How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly

See with a deeper vision; hear the deep silence; smell the clear openness. Savor the taste of pleasure itself. Feel the gentle touch of your own life. Let your senses draw in the depths of your surroundings like the leaves of a tree turning to the sun, simply attracting the nectar of life. Open wider to receive more, with absolutely no effort.

Connect with the heavenly bodies, the sun and stars, and feel the connection between these fire energies and your heart. Open your heart as you draw in more warmth, and then breathe it down to your uterus to connect with the spark of the Divine within. Allow your womb to receive the heart's warmth and to open up to its tremendous healing power. Drink in the warmth and become aware of any blockages preventing the reception of your love. If you discover any barriers, acknowledge them. How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly

Thank them for their message. Then release what is blocking your love and bring down more spirit. Open up to as much love as you can take, receiving the abundance of spirit into the void of your uterus, letting unlimited love unite with your Divine source. Your deepest sense of wisdom and deep knowing reside within your depths.

Continue bringing the warm fire energies of the sun and stars down and letting them merge with the well within your own source, until you feel that the circuit has been completed deep within. Let the energies swirl, envisioning the red fire energies joining with the blue water energies to become one conjoinod energy, purple at the center, red at the top, and blue at the bottom. This energy represents your true purpose, the reason you were born. Draw these energies into your core, and go completely into your center, into the depth of your being, as if all of the fire energies above and water energies below are merging as sap in your core.

Pull your attention back toward your spine, further away from the exterior, away from the branches and leaves of your external life situation, and allow them to fall to the ground and drop away. Turn your awareness within to your trunk, and bring it down into the depths of your own roots - from the spine to your sacrum to your feet, connected to the ground, where minerals are absorbed and merge with the stillness within the frozen ground, where life waits patiently to be coaxed into a new spring. As you send your own energy down into the earth, let yourself become as still as winter.

When you feel the connection with the ground, know that you will receive whatever it is you need from Mother Earth, and let the fire of the spirit's sunlight ignite the spark of the Divine fire deep within down through your roots. Awaken to visualize yourself turning toward the new dawn of the East, and turning away to release all that you wish to let rest in the West, as you spiral vertically to awaken into the summer of possibilities, reaching your most joyful goal. You are a wonder, and you hold the secrets of all creation within you - from the kernel of life hidden beneath the frozen earth, to a budding flower, to an exploding star. How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly

Reenergize Yourself By Repatterning 

Because we live in a yang-dominated society that values ambition and measurable success over stillness and introspection, we favor the mind and its external projections rather than nurturing and living from our yin energies. Repatterning can help restore balance in women who have lost theirs.

Even patterns that have served us well can become our undoing if we don't let them go when we have outgrown them. For example, a woman may develop a healthy pattern of intolerance to an oppressive situation, and that resistance will allow her to find a way out (leaving a failed marriage, for example). If this experience empowers her to trust her natural inclinations and feel the universe's support, then she will reach a new place from which to spontaneously try creative solutions to other new challenges. If, insecure about herself, she feels the world is hostile, she clings to the resistance that helped her before. However, after the situation changes, the resistance may turn into frustration, anger, bitterness, or resentment and start to fester, producing a toxic inner state.

How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly

After learning to release emotions and address each of the energy tendencies in the body, the next step is repatterning harmful past conditioning. You have the tools to transform yourself into whatever it is you wish to become. Stressful patterns of the past will dissolve as you recreate yourself in accordance with nature and discover new, energizing patterns.

Just as a seed is transformed by the dark underground forces to joyfully emerge as a sprout, your transformation takes place in your depths. The following meditation exercises will enable you to reach the Mysterious Mother - that Divine feminine potential that has been waiting within you - and uncover hidden difficulties, emerging transformed and renewed. To learn more, you can check out How Can I Fall Pregnant Quickly.

Ways To Fall Pregnant - Correct Your Imbalances

Ways To Fall Pregnant

If you correct imbalances at Step 1, the longing will remain pure, undiluted by fears and frustrations, and there will be no resistance, or resistance will drop away. In the example previously, in other words, if you try to catch yourself when you start to fall into insecure thoughts about having a child and instead focus on gratitude for all that you have rather than worry about what you don't, resistance will melt.

How you choose to respond to unfulfilled desires makes all the difference - not for the chances of your future fulfillment, but because it means you are living a happier life right now. If you stay in the precious moment and take care to align yourself with your source and spirit, your heart energies will stay open, allowing your qi and blood to flow smoothly. Practicing the breath exercise later will help you more easily return to a state of calm.

Ways To Fall Pregnant

The key to ensuring that a pure desire doesn't become tainted and lead to obsession lies in learning how to let your mind become still. Stillness, like water, reflects all that is, yet does not become the things reflected. Pure perception can happen only in stillness, after the waves of emotion have been calmed. When the energy of an emotion has been mastered, the meridians release it, like rivers leading out to the sea. There, in the current of life, joy is naturally felt and expressed. As the Confucian philosopher Xun Zi said, Ways To Fall Pregnant

No one who pays undue attention to external objects can fail to feel anxiety in her mind. No woman whose behavior departs from true principles can fail to be endangered by external forces. No woman who is endangered by external forces can fail to feel terror in her mind.

If the mind is full of anxiety and terror, then, though the mouth be crammed with delicious food it will not recognize the flavor, though the ear listens to the music of bells and drums it will not recognize the sound, though the eye lights upon embroidered patterns it will not recognize their form, and though the body is clothed in warm, light garments and rests upon fine-woven mats it will feel no ease.

In such a case a woman may be confronted by all the loveliest things in the world and yet be unable to feel any gratification. Even if she should feel a moment's gratification, she could never completely take off her anxieties and fears. Hence, although she confronts all the loveliest things in the world, she is overwhelmed with worry, and although she enjoys all the benefits of the world, she knows only loss ...

But if the mind is calm and at ease, then even beauties that are less than mediocre will gratify the eye, even sounds that are less than mediocre will gratify the ear. A meal of vegetables, a soup of boiled greens will gratify the mouth; robes of coarse cloth, shoes of coarse hemp will give ease to the body; a narrow room with rush blinds, a straw carpet and a table and mat will give comfort to the form. Hence, one may not be able to enjoy all the most beautiful things in the world, and yet she can still increase her joy ... This is what it means to value the self and make other things work for you ...

When you release a specific object of your desire through acceptance and surrender, and focus only on the larger desire of loving and caring for yourself, you will be fed by the earth's power of intention and transformed by wood into the unlimited abundance of the spirit. Entrusting the desire to nature's Divine grace will allow the Divine to see to the desire's fulfillment and open you to the creative power of the universe - love.

Reaching Your Highest Destiny

As you've seen, throughout the blog I've written about the spiral journey up through three levels of existence-source, soul, and spirit - that enable you to live joyfully, express your true nature, and reach your highest destiny. In Chinese, the three levels are called jing, qi, and shen, and are thought of as anchoring, aligning, and adapting in The Way of The Fertile Soul.

Anchoring - Source energies anchor you to your innate self: the gifts, talents, genetics, and constitution you are born with. By anchoring yourself to your own true nature - the good and bad, the light and dark - you develop and grow, as long as you remain flexible enough to change in response to your changing world. Ways To Fall Pregnant

Aligning - When properly anchored, your heart's spirit aligns you to your purpose and dreams. Aligning allows you to learn how to best make use of your talents, what to let into your life, and how to live passionately from your spirit. With alignment comes the ability to make your own music rather than dance to someone else's tune and yet live in harmony with the world. 

Adapting - When aligned, you can respond authentically to your environment and life circumstances. Interactions become pure, unhindered by selfish motives, and possibilities abound, resulting in thought, reflection, and action inspired by alignment. When you have adapted to your world, you become serene and undisturbed, because you have tapped into your inner wisdom, which has nothing to do with schooling, intelligence, compliance, or societal expectations. You know intuitively what to do and feel supported by the universe, whose laws you now live in harmony with. Your soul expresses the Divine in accordance with an anchored source and an aligned spirit.

Ways To Fall Pregnant

This state of being contains unadulterated promise - hope in its purest form. Having hope is not wishing for material things or what you think will make you happier, like being skinnier or having a certain partner. Having hope is being open to whatever wonderful gifts life brings you, trusting that it will unfold perfectly. Even if you experience something that feels like a "setback" - a miscarriage, losing a job, not qualifying for a grant or a loan to go to school or start a business - nothing that has happened in the past need impact your future if you can keep honing your ability to return to that open state of possibility.

When you live vertically, the energies of the horizontal plane support your vertical ascent. The vertical energies urge you to fulfill your highest potential rather than squandering your promise in material pursuits. At the apex of your existence you live having "turned the light around" a Taoist expression for turning your energy inward and giving birth to your true self.

To support your quest to live vertically, regularly practice the following meditation, which uses the senses of hearing and seeing to shine the spiritual light within. To learn more, you can check out Ways To Fall Pregnant.