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Infertility And Yoga - Yoga Positions For Conveiving

Infertility And Yoga

Supported Bridge Pose with Block

Directions: Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Gently lift your lower back up enough to insert the pillow. Relax. Repeat fertility mantras. 

Benefits: Soothes and brings blood flow to the low back and abdomen.

Supported backbend

Directions: Place pillow on the upper half of the mat. Sit facing away from pillows and recline back onto it. Your low back should be an inch or so away from the pillow.

Benefits: Opens the heart, gently stretches and facilitates blood flow to belly and low back.

Infertility And Yoga

Yoga And Infertility - Yoga Postures For Successful Conception

Yoga And Infertility

What you need to start practising yoga:
  • a mat
  • pillows
  • blanket 
Special alpha state music is recommended but you can induce the alpha state easily.

Directions: Place the pillow horizontally in front of you. Sit behind the pillow and bring both legs over it. Gently lie back. Bring your hands to your belly or rest with arms to the sides of the body.

Yoga And Infertility

Infertility Home Remedies - Two Simple Steps

Infertility Home Remedies

Following these two simple steps will increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly.
  • Identify the emotional blockage.
  • Eliminate the blockage.
So what sort of blockages are we talking about? They can be just about anything. Blockages are very individual. No two people are going to have exactly the same blockage. And you are unlikely to "guess" your own blockage using rational thinking. Most people are extremely surprised once they use the techniques and uncover what their blockage is.
Infertility Home Remedies

Female Infertility Causes - Beliefs

Female Infertility Causes

Our self-beliefs (or internal programming) determine our conscious behavior. Anyone who has tried to give up smoking or lose weight using willpower alone will attest to the strength of these self-beliefs. We have thousands of these subconscious self-beliefs that govern all areas of our lives.

Where do self-beliefs come from? Mostly they develop in us at a very young age. It's interesting to note that, unlike adults, children spend the majority of their waking time in the alpha region. Most of our adult behaviors are based on "programming" we picked up before the age of 5 or 6. But then as we get older we lose the ability to stay in the alpha state, mainstream education sees to that.

Female Infertility Causes

Yoga For Infertility - Using Yoga And Meditation

Yoga For Infertility

Meditation and yoga are ancient Indian philosophies that enhance personal growth and well-being. It is also a big part of Ayurveda infertility treatment.
Although it is a systemic philosophical approach, yoga (and meditation) is not a religion, but complementary with most spiritual paths. The physical aspect of yoga - or hatha yoga - uses poses and focused breathing, requiring concentration and discipline.
Yoga For Infertility

Vitamins For Infertility - Taking Vitamins And Minerals For Fertility

Vitamins For Infertility

Women may want to consider these supplements and vitamins:
  • Iron (10-20 mg/day): Anemia can lead to infertility. Women who bleed profusely may be anemic, those who rarely bleed may in fact be either anemic or too high in iron.
  • Vitamin C (500-1500 rag/day): This powerful anti-oxidant helps to protect cells and strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin E (400-800 i.u, per day): Vitamin E may increase egg quality. In a preliminary human trial, infertile couples given vitamin E (200 IU per day for the female and 100 IU per day for the male) showed a significant increase in fertility. 

Detoxification For Fertility

Detoxification For Fertility

A simple home detoxification when you are trying to get pregnant doubles your chances to get pregnant.
Ayurveda recommends following this intensive program for one to two weeks: A simple home practice can be a regime of simple eating, lots of massages with oil and a mild detoxification. During this whole regime, eat only kicharee. This is a wonderful healing food that is known as "food of the gods".

Detoxification For Fertility

Foods For Infertility - The 6 Tastes

Foods For Infertility

In the overview of the Six Tastes below, "-" after a doshic initial refers to a balancing (or decreasing) effect on that particular dosha, while "+" refers to an aggravating (or increasing) effect.

SWEET (V- P- K+)

Sweet taste results from the combination of Water and Earth and is heavy, moist and cooling by nature. In the West, sugary foods are most commonly associated with this taste. Sweet taste is also found in milk and milk products (like butter, ghee and cream), most grains (especially wheat, rice and barley), many legumes (like beans and lentils), sweet fruits (such as bananas and mangos) and certain cooked vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes and beets).
Foods For Infertility

The Infertility Diet

The Infertility Diet

  • Grains including wheat, rice, barley and corn
  • Milk and sweet milk products like ghee, butter and cream
  • Sweet fruits like figs, grapes, pears, coconuts, dates, mangoes and dried fruits 
  • Cooked vegetables like potato, carrot, beetroot, cauliflower, sweet potato and beans 
  • Sugar - raw, refined, brown and white - molasses and sugar cane juice 
The Infertility Diet

Diet And Infertility - Using Diet, Vitamins and Minerals

Diet And Infertility

Diet and lifestyle have direct impact on your ability to conceive. How? Take in the wrong substances and you weaken your immune system organs and blood flow; which can all create an imbalance in your body that prohibits one of its most important jobs: conceiving and nurturing a baby.

Diet And Infertility

Ayurveda has certain remedies that are very easy to use, with no side effect. The herbs and other items required for these remedies are easily available.

Infertility After Miscarriage - Dealing With Recurring Miscarriage

Infertility After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is defined as the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. Nearly 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, most often within the first 12 weeks. Recurrent miscarriage or habitual pregnancy loss, is defined as three or more consecutive, spontaneous pregnancy losses.

Often no cause for miscarriages is found but possible, causes include genetic defect, abnormally shaped uterus, uterine fibroids, scar tissue, hormonal imbalances or diabetes. Increased age, habits such as smoking, caffeine and alcohol and the use of certain medications increase a woman's risk for miscarriage.
Infertility After Miscarriage

Pcos And Infertility - Pcos And

Pcos And Infertility

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) systemic endocrine and metabolic disorders that could really be called the "Polycystic Ovary/ Excess Androgen Production/ Adrenal Hyperplasia/ Insulin Resistant/ Hyperpipidemic/ Often Overweight/ Anovulatory /Hirsute/ Sometimes Acne" Syndromes.
The signs include disordered gonadotropin output, insulin resistance, elevated fasting blood insulin levels, increased ovarian androgen production, lack of regular ovulatory cycles (i.e. no ovulation), menstrual irregularity, infertility; obesity, acne, excessive hair growth, hirsutism and hair loss.

Pcos And Infertility

Exercise And Infertility - Pelvic Floor Exercises

Exercise And Infertility

A very useful yogic exercise for both partners is to practise pelvic floor exercises. Just contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor greatly enhances the circulation to the reproductive system. Such practices as moola bandha, ashwini mudra and vajroli mudra are famed for enhancing sexual prowess and potency.
Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles (For Women)
It is recommended that all women exercise their pelvic floor muscles regularly throughout life, to prevent or correct weakness. Exercising weak muscles regularly over a period of time, can strengthen them and make them work effectively again. Regular gentle exercise, such as walking, can also have a positive effect on the strength of your pelvic floor muscles.
Exercise And Infertility

Alternative Infertility Treatments

Alternative Infertility Treatments

Phala Ghritam is an ideal medicine in female sterility if the damage is not structural but purely functional: 0.5 gm of this medicated ghee should be taken, mixed well in a cup of hot milk once a day in the morning.

Vanga Bhasma, a drug of choice, can be given in the dose of 120mg mixed with honey twice daily. M2 tone syrup (Charak Pharma), 2 teaspoons mixed with equal quantity of water can be taken twice daily after meals for 2 to 3 cycles.

Alternative Infertility Treatments

Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility Treatment

Male infertility can be caused by all sorts of sperm defects (low volume, low motility, irregular shape), erectile dysfunction and obstructions (varicocele and prostatitis).
If there is zero or extremely low count, it is best to seek advice from a fertility specialist who may recommend ICSI to optimize fertilization.
Some things men can do to enhance their fertility is to avoid alcohol and smoking, reduce poor quality fats in the diet and increase exercise. But there are two basic strategies to optimize male fertility. First clear any obstructions and then "tone" the reproductive tissue.

Male Infertility Treatment

Female Infertility Treatment - Strengthing Your Reproductive System

Female Infertility Treatment

My discovery of a way to fall pregnant is connected to ancient knowledge of Ayurveda and Korean treatment Su Jok therapy. Combining these two methods, I believe, can give women the ability to have healthy children even after years of infertility.
My teacher taught me to "prepare the ground and the seeds will flourish" and that is the best advice for boosting fertility.
Whether you decide to use traditional medical intervention or Eastern Medicine Techniques or a combination of both to treat your individual infertility problems, the first step in getting pregnant and having healthy babies is preparing your reproductive system.
Female Infertility Treatment

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment - Su Jok Treatment

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment

Su Jok treatment involves acupuncture and acupressure which you can do at home by yourself. The only thing you need to know are the acupressure points on hands and feet so you can stimulate them regularly at home.
What Su Jok can heal

Since its inception, Su Jok has spread all over the world, especially in Russia, Ukraine and India. It is not only cheap therapy - its basics can be learned within half an hour - there are no drugs administered and there are no side effect. Anybody can heal themselves and the members of their families through Su Jok! 

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment

Infertility Treatment Options - Asian Method To Fertile

Infertility Treatment Options


Su Jok therapy was discovered by a Korean scientist, Prof. Park Jae Woo, who after many years of careful observation and clinical experience developed a new system of therapy using only the hands and feet to affect the same results as body acupuncture. He found a complete correspondence system representing the whole body, on the hands and the feet. In Korean, Su means "Hand" and Jok means "Feet."
From a practical point of view there are two corresponding systems:
Infertility Treatment Options

Treatment Of Infertility

Treatment Of Infertility

Ayurveda has a set basis for our daily pattern of living. The environment and bodily processes have many natural cycles and pace which should be taken into consideration in our daily routine. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the functions they control, get stimulated at different times of the day. 

Given below are the times when Vata, Pitta and Kapha and functions are most active:
2:00 AM to 6:00 AM Vata active 
Awake before 6:00 AM 
Good time for meditation
6:00 AM to 10: AM Kapha active
Good for exercise 
Avoid sleeping in this period
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Pitta active 
Digestion is strongest
Largest meal at lunch (12:30)
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Vata active 
Tendency for tiredness
Herbal tea & spices in water or milk 
Rejuvenate with meditation
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Kapha active 
Evening walk
To bed before 10 PM  

10:00 PM to 2:00 AM Pitta active 
Metabolic housecleaning strong 
Sleep for best purification