Ayurveda has a set basis for our daily pattern of living. The environment and bodily processes have many natural cycles and pace which should be taken into consideration in our daily routine. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the functions they control, get stimulated at different times of the day.
Given below are the times when Vata, Pitta and Kapha and functions are most active:
2:00 AM to 6:00 AM Vata active
Awake before 6:00 AM
Good time for meditation
6:00 AM to 10: AM Kapha active
Good for exercise
Avoid sleeping in this period
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Pitta active
Digestion is strongest
Largest meal at lunch (12:30)
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Vata active
Tendency for tiredness
Herbal tea & spices in water or milk
Rejuvenate with meditation
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Kapha active
Evening walk
To bed before 10 PM
10:00 PM to 2:00 AM Pitta active
Metabolic housecleaning strong
Sleep for best purification
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The state of the mind is a very important aspect of a person. Everything in this world has three principal modes. The tendency to act, rest and balance is within all living entities. Rajas, tamas and satwa (together known as the tri-gunas) are the tree modes of the universe inherent in every particle, without which we can't exist. Generally these three modes are applied to understanding the mind, since the mind is the more subtle aspect of our body,
Satwa is exemplified by balance and harmony. It is the state of harmony, discrimination, stability of mind, efficiency of handling matters without partiality and selfishness, emotional stability and detachment.
Satwic people tend to have an inherent instinct for cleanliness and possess an effortless wisdom reflected in their action. They don't tend to worry, be anxious or panic. They do things in a systematic, intelligent and peaceful way.
Satwa is the peaceful, calm state of mind exemplified by the world's saintly people.
When satwa declines, we resort to rajas or tamas, depending upon the person's activities.
Rajas is the inherent tendency to be active. This is essential to get things done. When excessive, Rajas results in hyperactivity, aggression, passion, severe attachment, agitation and regrettable actions. When unbalanced, rajas is considered a disturbing influence on the mind.
Rajasic people tend to be power-hungry and dissatisfied with what positions or possessions they obtain. They are constantly striving for more often at the cost of those around them. They have a brave yet jealous and cruel character.
Tamas presents as inertia. Rest or sleep is impossible without this quality, it provides grounding and stability. Its increase results in inertia, laziness, apathy, ignorance and depression. Excessive tamas is darkness.
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Tamasic people tend to avoid work, with a penchant for uncontrolled sense gratification and wasting time. They avoid cleanliness and are not health-conscious. They are the most prone to phobia and procrastination.
The three modes are not permanent. They are changeable according to our association and action. One can change the modes of mind through constant practice. We can evolve from rajas or tamas to satwa, the balance and harmony, through acute self-awareness, humility and diligence. A well-balanced male should have 70% satva, 20% rajas and 10% tamas. A well-balanced female should have 70% satva, 10% rajas and 20% tamas. To find out more, you can check out Treatment Of Infertility.