I am writing this post because I firmly believe in the power of astrology - after all, our species developed by the influence of the moon: before artificial light, women ovulated in synchronisation with its cycles - but please skip if you don't think that astrology makes sense to you.
Lunar fertility is believed by many to provide an alternative, naturalistic way of enhancing fertility. It is based on the assumption that each woman's menstrual cycle and individual periods of fertility are directly influenced by the phases of the moon.
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Fertility And Astrology |
Throughout history, lunar and menstrual cycles have been inextricably linked, with a "healthy" woman's menstrual cycle being equal to one lunar month. Both cycles consist of 29 days (although due to external influences the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle can vary between 25 and 34 days), and the average length of a full term pregnancy is exactly 9 lunar months (38 weeks).
Women especially are affected by the moon and their menstrual cycle is intimate linked to this celestial body. The moon:
- regulates your menstrual cycle
- can trigger ovulation and fertile times
- affects your emotions
- affects the way people behave and view the world.
The appearance of the moon varies on a day-to-day basis in accordance with its orbit around the earth and position relative to the sun. During each lunar phase the portion of the moon we are able to see from the earth alters and changes from a new moon through to a full moon and then back again - it is this lunar cycle that takes 28 days.
Lunar fertility theory implies that you will be most fertile when the moon is in the same lunar phase (i.e. its position relative to the earth and sun) as when you were born. On this basis it is supposedly possible for a specially trained astrologer to pinpoint the time and date at which you are most fertile each month.
Each month a woman will experience changes in the way she perceives herself and her world in accordance to where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example if a woman is ovulating with the Full Moon, this mode of cycling gives a woman the best chance of physical fertility, great for trying to conceive children, as the full moon accentuates the time of Ovulation.
When a woman bleeds with the full moon, this mode of cycling enhances inner expression, intuition and the development of the inner, spiritual life.
As women become more aware of the different phases and how they experience them, they find it much easier to recognize and use the phase to plot where they are at and will also experience a far greater acceptance of their bodies, their menstrual cycle and their feminine nature.
This is very simple. You should have frequent intercourse when the moon is at the same phase as it was at your birth. For example, if you were born three days before a full moon, then you will be potentially fertile three days before each full moon.
When you have your natal lunar phase calculated, safety margins will be added for sperm and egg life, giving a total of 4 days each lunar month.
Then all you have to remember is to have frequent intercourse on your lunar fertile days whether or not they coincide with your mid-cycle ovulation.
Calculating Your Lunar Cycle
You may be able to make the calculations for the lunar cycle for yourself. It is probably easier to have them done for you by a consultant. But anyway I will try to explain to you how they are done.
First, you need to know your natal angle. To calculate the natal angle you need to know the time, date and place of birth reasonably accurately.
Assume you were born when the angle between the sun and the moon was 60 degrees. This occurs about five days after the new moon, when the moon is a traditional crescent shape in the sky. You will then be fertile according to Dr Jonas' findings five days after each new moon, and for a short period either side of this peak time.
It is okay if you know your birth time just approximately, because the sun-moon angle only increases by one degree every two hours. Even if your mother or father remembers your time of birth for example as just "early morning" or "late afternoon", that's enough to know your natal angle.
In the absence of any time information, noontime is taken and safety margins added to allow for error. Astronomical tables are then consulted to find the natal angle.
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Fertility And Astrology |
All you need to know is your natal angle (for example 60 degrees), when it occurs in the lunar month (for example, 5 days after a new moon) and on which dates this recurs each calendar month.
Once this has been calculated, safety margins are added for sperm and egg life and possible error).
The 24 hours before the exact recurrence angle is the most fertile time. This time is best to use for conception purposes also if you don't want another child too quickly. But for contraception purposes it is best to avoid intercourse or use additional protection (condom, diaphragm, spermicidal cream and other barrier methods). To find out more, you can check out Fertility And Astrology.