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Diet For Infertility - Vitamins And Minerals

Diet For Infertility

Vitamin B6
Is apparently linked to the female reproductive process. Birth control pills almost completely eliminate this vitamin from the body. In a study of 14 women, aged 23 to 31, who had unexplained infertility and who were unable to become pregnant for from 18 months to 7 years, 11 of the 14 became pregnant within 6 months, the 8th woman became pregnant after 11 months, and the other 2 out of the study - one after adopting a child and the other due to divorcing. 

Progesterone concentrations increased in 5 of the 7 women whose hormone levels were measured. A proper balance of estrogen and progesterone is essential pregnancy to occur. Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to a buildup of estrogen in the system and the ovary responds by shutting down its progesterone production, which can lead to miscarriage and luteal phase defects. B6 is also effective as a bromocriptine in lowering prolactin, the hormone which prepares the mother for breast feeding; too much prolactin can prevent pregnancy.

Diet For Infertility

Vitamin E
Can improve sperm's ability to impregnate and has been shown to prevent miscarriages by developing a healthier uterine wall and increasing health of the placenta. Vitamin E is plentiful in a diet of whole grains, seeds and nuts especially raw almonds. About 92% of vitamin E is lost in refined flour and is also lost in refined rice and roasted almonds. A diet rich in wheat germ, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil (vitamin E) 3 times daily, raw foods with fruits and vegetable juices, plenty of water cleansing herbs and a teaspoon of false unicorn twice daily is said to help many infertile couples conceive within a year.


Can normalize deficient sperm counts and sperm motility. Even marginal zinc deficiency can cause sperm counts to drop below the point of technical sterility.

Vitamin C

An anti-oxidant, 1,000 mg daily can reverse infertility in men by curing sperm dumping and increasing sperm motility, viability and number. Men deficient in vitamin C showed increased levels of DNA damage. In women on clomiphene therapy to enhance ovulation, adding 400 mg. daily of vitamin C made the clomiphene work better than clomiphene alone.


Vitamin-like substances found in the white part of fruit rinds and in broccoli, parsley, potatoes, cabbage and green peppers play a role in formation of healthy blood vessels important as the uterus prepares for implantation. If the uterine lining is weak, spontaneous abortion will occur. 

In the 1950s researchers at Corner University studied 100 pregnant women with histories of spontaneous abortion and 91 carried their babies to full term by taking large doses of bioflavonoids with vitamin C. The bioflavonoid called flavone corrected uterine bleeding within 3 menstrual cycles in cases not caused by physical damage to reproductive organs. A fantastic source of Bioflavonoids are found in the Super Antioxidant formulation "Pycnogenol" from the bark of the Maritime Pine tree. 

This formulation has been proven by many scientific studies to be 40% more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more than vitamin E. One of the major things this formulation does is increase the blood flow throughout the body and of course this means more blood to the male sex organs. This will help deliver more healthy sperm as the blood vessels to the penis will be stronger maintaining an erection for a longer period. It certainly will help if your partner has problems in this area.

The only formulation I recommend is from a Canadian company Kaire International. Their formulation has a special delivery system that gets more of the antioxidants into the blood stream - up to 95% is retained by the body. Compare this with a retention rate of 50% by other formulations and you can see the difference.

B-Complex Vitamins

Found in whole grains, are often called the "stress vitamins" because they play a central role in healthy nervous system function and hormone balance. In some cases, stress and tension can hinder conception. A deficiency of B vitamins can create an excess of estrogen and excess estrogen can further deplete B vitamins. B vitamins are lost to refined sugar, stress, alcohol and other drugs.

Vitamin A

Besides being recognized for its connection to healthy vision - especially night vision - scientists have linked it to healthy sperm production, but mega doses (of more than 25000 IU daily without consulting a health professional) can be toxic.

Since unlike water-soluble vitamins which the body can eliminate when it has more than it needs, vitamin A is stored in the liver and can build up to the point of toxicity. Because of this, the best source of vitamin A is its precursor, beta carotene, a substance from which the body can manufacture vitamin A as needed. Beta carotene can be purchased as a supplement from fish liver oils at health food store and is found in asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, spinach and carrots.

Diet For Infertility


Found in whole grains and eggs. Studies have shown that populations living in areas with soil rich in selenium have higher birth rates and also indicate a connection between selenium and sperm production. At least half of the selenium in the male body is found in semen. This trace mineral may be as important as zinc for healthy sperm. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 50 to 200 micrograms.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, cataracts, dermatitis, sexual dysfunction and infertility. To find out more, you can check out Diet For Infertility.