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Right Day To Get Pregnant - Morning, Midday and Evening Body Scans

Right Day To Get Pregnant

Body scans are a useful tool for helping you identify distractions that might be muddying up your connection to the source of creative power. Try to use these three simple self, evaluation tools every day. They will help you understand what your body is telling you and what you need to do to reach greater well-being and fully express yourself. Performing these exercises each day will build your internal power and supply an energy bank from which you can always draw. When you live in this way, you approach all activities with the same joyous attention, and every interaction with others and with your own creations becomes an opportunity for growth and exchange.

When in this flow, you are always inspired to do the right thing at the right time, and you can tell whether it's the right thing by how it feels to you - and only to you. As soon as you factor in other people's opinions you won't be able to accurately understand your relationship to it. 

Right Day To Get Pregnant

Morning body scan

Start the day by sitting or lying quietly and connecting with the inherent joy of being alive. Take a moment to appreciate simple pleasures, such as a warm, comfortable house or dear pet.

Relive pleasant memories and consider things you are looking forward to. Then tune in to your body and ask yourself what it is telling you today. Are you experiencing any physical discomfort? Listen to its message. Then consider what you need to do, right now, to give your body the attention it is asking of you.

Take that message with you and let your inner voice guide you to release the discomtort and work through its message throughout the day. What are you inspired to do? Right Day To Get Pregnant

Midday soul scan

Begin by eating a mindful lunch. Feed your body and soul with what you really need, not just what your taste buds desire. If you indulge in a small decadent treat, savor it and know that it will nurture that part of you that deserves pleasure. After you eat, turn your awareness within, if only briefly. Discover which emotions are predominant in you today and think about what they are telling you. If you have negative emotions that you haven't expressed appropriately, decide what you are going to do to bring this reaction into alignment with your inner self. Tell someone safe? Journal about it? Let it go and focus instead on something rewarding? 

Evening spirit scan

In the evening, think back on the day. Think of ways you expressed your highest self during the day. Reflect on actions that you performed with a sense of purpose. Think about whether or not your heart expressed its true desires and if your spirit will therefore find rest that night. Think about how much you have loved, both yourself and others. If you haven't met your own desired goal, know that tomorrow will give you another day to love a little more. And be compassionate and gentle with yourself. Allow the rest to come as you tune in to the song of your own heart and let it become your everpresent lullaby.

Creative exercises

Read through the information and do the exercises in the appropriate post. If your emotions seem scattered, low, or out of control, check which energy needs to be aligned from the information in Secret 7. Focus on your current creative endeavor - whatever gives you pleasure. Keep a dream journal and become aware of themes that emerge through your dreams.

Create something every day, not to make more stuff but to express yourself fully. Create a new dance, a new menu, a new way of looking at your life and those in it. 

Expand the Moment

Every moment of every day, try to expand the moment you're in, enlarging your focus on whatever it is you are doing or not doing. Then drop into the background, away from whatever is demanding your attention, and let it take care of itself as you take care of yourself. Feel the energy behind what you're doing, then take that energy and bring it into everything you do.

Periodically check to see if you're living vertically - if your thoughts and actions are supporting your highest good. If you don't feel they are, work through the repatterning practices in Secret 9 to find equanimity. If you feel confused, read through the eight solutions provided in Secret 10 to find the answers nature offers to help you match your inner wisdom to your emernal actions.

And at any time, you can try to connect with the spark of creativity within your source. Marvel at it and feel how it transforms all of life. Let yourself envision whatever it is you wish to create or become. Set your intention and let your actions support your vision, and let go so the universe can supply you with the abundance you were meant to receive. Remain centered and feel the love that's always there, waiting to be embraced. Right Day To Get Pregnant

Continuing on The Way of The Fertile Soul 

As your energies spiral upward, unencumbered, people and circumstances that don't support your highest good will fall away. As you rise above your past difficulties and see that you created them and that you can let them go, you set yourself free. Little by little, you will return to balance and experience freedom, just like Keiko, who told me:

Right Day To Get Pregnant

After learning and practicing the ten secrets, exploring what life could look like began to seem intriguing rather than frightening. A feeling of peace began to emerge and it seemed possible to live life to the fullest and in the present moment. What is became fascinating.

I found joy in the strangest places as well as the knowledge that I could and would be OK. Now I no longer hold back. I do things I am passionate about, spontaneously and randomly, and I savor every moment.

I listen to and acknowledge my inner voice and I try to give back to others. I see possibilities everywhere and I feel gratitude for the gift of this perspective.

As you continue on your path, enjoying the expansion of your spirit in the endless array of creative endeavors, the tools and techniques in this blog will support you. Embrace the creative life force that shines through and allow the Mysterious Mother to perform her magic as you soar higher and higher. To learn more, you can check out Right Day To Get Pregnant.

Tricks To Getting Pregnant - Ways To Stay Creative

Tricks To Getting Pregnant

When you accept what is, you open up to the universe. When you accept what is, you stop fighting to impose your will. Instead, you surrender - but surrendering doesn't mean you stop trying. You keep trying, and sometimes failing, but you try without swimming against the current. You act and move forward and do the next right thing, but you do it as part of the flow of the immense current of life. You let go of outcomes and, as the Bhagavad Gita, the book of wisdom, says, you do your duty but without attachment and reach your ultimate truth without anxiety. From this place, any creative endeavor is open to you: having a child, starting a business, or deepening a favorite artistic, physical, or mental practice. 

Happiness and Healing 

I hope the ideas and practices in this blog help you reconnect with your true nature and live in harmony with the universe. When you find your own source of healing, you can help the people you love to reconnect with their own source of healing as well.

Tricks To Getting Pregnant

I have treated thousands of women and men, many of whom were diagnosed with all sorts of "incurable" diseases, but when they tapped into their internal healer, they transformed - body, mind, and spirit. They surrendered and became aligned, creating an opening for new life, and that new life came - not from desperation but because they remembered their inherent well-being and allowed it to flow in. Tricks To Getting Pregnant

That same process applies to all true healing. When you rise above the level at which the particular disharmony exists, and keep the vibration of your body, mind, and spirit elevated, the disease can no longer manifest. When the elements are aligned, you open up to let the creative force of life shine through. The elements aren't shown in perfectly straight alignment, because they are in constant movement. This is an ever-changing, dynamic process; the movement itself is what allows you to spiral upward. 

You never get to the place where wood is fully aligned between fire and earth because it is the movement of the ethereal soul of wood itself that propels us upward. The metal - the corporeal soul - is a constant, ongoing process of letting go and that letting-go process again aligns us with earth's intention and water's self-knowledge. It's a constant striving process - but it's not about doing. The movement of metal between the axis of earth pivots to bring us into alignment between earth and water. The movement of wood pivots around the axis of the earth toward fire, keeping us in a constant state of dynamic movement.

All of the previous posts have described how to reach that higher level: to live from your spirit rather than from fear; to find balance; to listen to what your body, mind, and spirit are teaching you; to have emotional freedom; to live vertically rather than on the "doing" plane. By regularly allowing yourself to be still, to breathe deeply, and to seek your inner joy, you will become increasingly connected to your source and easily identify imbalances and put them right. You now know that you need not become a product of negative history. You understand how to live your life so that your activities support you rather than drain you dry. When you abide by the rules for being, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

Nurturing Your Creative Spirit

This post will cover some tools to help you maintain a joyous connection to the source of all creative inspiration. Here are some everyday reminders:

Give yourself the gift of time. The busiest, most successful, and happiest people I know make it a priority to take time for themselves every day. I meditate at least a half hour every day and I recommend that you do the same. Do not wait until everything else is done before you try to find time to meditate. Take time for yourself first. I promise you'll reap enormous benefits. Tricks To Getting Pregnant

Pay attention to your inner world. Connect with your breath - while you're cooking or driving to a board meeting or to work, anytime, anywhere - until it becomes something you do all the time. When you find yourself feeling anything but joy, breathe and focus on something that makes you happy to help you realign.

Recognize and love the Divine within you. To continue to transcend your horizontal energies, you need to take care of your spirit so that it can support you at your highest level and enable you to face the world with strength, grace, and love. For each thought you hold, action you take, or difficulty you face, ask yourself the question: Does this nourish my soul or my ego?

Tricks To Getting Pregnant

In addition to these alignment tools, if you find yourself slipping back into unhealthy habits, as it is so easy to do, these three simple "body scans" will help you build your internal power. In each of these, honor your deepest self by allowing whatever comes up to be okay. It's not helpful to be disappointed with yourself for not feeling happy all the time.

Remember that your emotions are natural reactions that provide invaluable information to help you adjust your energies and regain your balance. To learn more, you can check out Tricks To Getting Pregnant.

Fertile Days Get Pregnant - Throw Your Worries Away

Fertile Days Get Pregnant


Where do you feel weak or timid? It's possible to realign feelings of powerlessness if you are living according to other people's dictates, rather than your own. You have within you what you need to reclaim your power - you have a mountain of stability and the strength of a volcano.

Mountains are unmoving, strong, proud, and still. When you align yourself with the powerful forces of nature, you will find your true strength and the power of the mountain. To align yourself, be still like a mountain. Visualize yourself on a towering mountain peak, viewing the world objectively and understanding that some barriers must be acknowledged (for example, a sixty-year-old woman can't start a biological family). When you are ready to descend back into your surroundings, bring the power of the mountain with you. You are not powerless.

Fertile Days Get Pregnant

Frustration and anger

The loud clamor of thunder is representative of the force required to overcome the inner resistance that builds to frustration and anger. Thunder shakes, agitates, and upsets the torpor of inaction that can fester within and turn against you. Where do you need to take action? Where do you need the power of thunder to shake up what isn't working? Find your power and then balance it with compassion, which, like the rising sun, comes from a place of kindness and allows change. Compassion and kindness will enable you to find your inner voice, which cannot be squelched by the actions of others, and to overcome what needs to be changed within yourself or in your world.


In what areas of your life do you feel inflexible, where you could use a little more suppleness? A position at work or a stiff relationship? Rigid trees can be toppled by a strong wind, but flexible trees such as hollow bamboo can flow and move with it. Because we cannot change or stop the wind, it's essential to move with the inevitable changes that blow through our lives. Fertile Days Get Pregnant

Consider where you need to be flexible and when you should raise the sails of your soul to catch life's power and go where it is taking you. Observe the power of the wind as it turns a windmill, lifts a kite, carries a bird, pushes a sailboat, gently ruffles your hair, rolls and rocks a tumbleweed. Then let yourself move with your personal winds of change and purification as you remain rooted and stable deep within the ground.

Impatience and hatred

Is impatience, lack of joy, or hatred keeping you from shining in the world? Is there a person, institution, or political situation toward which you feel intolerance, annoyance, or hatred? If so, forgiveness is the key, burning away these lower, stagnant energies so that the light of your spirit and inner divinity can radiate through. Fire and its brilliant powers burn away hatred and let warmth and joy spread upward and outward, letting your highest nature gleam with love. Fire and passion, however, can burn out of control, so it's important to tame them with restraint and channel them into appropriate arenas.

Bask in the warmth of your love and use it to ignite the spirit of others, but don't send your passion unchecked into the world.

Feeling victimized

When you feel as though you're a victim of your circumstances and life isn't fair, you need a good dose of Mother Earth. Open yourself to receive the earth's nourishment and support and allow yourself to grow in her rich soil, fed by her lakes and rivers, mighty and calm. Be fair like Mother Earth, who has no favorites and does not provide according to who is most deserving. Give because it is your nature and ask for nothing in return. Be patient, kind, and fair, and accept yourself for who you are.


Life cannot be controlled, and this can cause grief and sadness when something happens that we don't want. One of my patients was still in deep grief eighteen years after her mother died, thinking of her and crying many times each day, which kept her from living life fully. The solution is to recognize and accept the disorder and fractal qualities of life, surrender to them, and move on with courage and purpose. Then, like a lake whose mud settles to the bottom, calm will descend, and clarity will be revealed.

Lakes, like people, teem with life and abundance, but both also contain chaos, decay, and death. The lake represents the paradox of life and death and shows us how surrendering to whatever the weather brings, whether calm or storm, is how we find peace. Waves come and go whether we approve of them or not, and they cannot be resisted; they can only be released. Fertile Days Get Pregnant

Like a lake that freezes in winter and thaws in summer, life changes. Even if your life seems organized and controlled, there is strength in recognizing that it is constantly moving and that the depth below the calm exterior is always churning. Courageously accept life's motion and understand that it results in goodness, joy, and harmony when you surrender to its sacred geometry.

Fertile Days Get Pregnant

Low self-worth

Difficult situations may trigger feelings of low self-worth. Many of us have felt worthless because of something we've done or because other people have told us we're worthless, but true self-worth doesn't come from what you do, whom you align yourself with, or how you appear. It comes from who you are - and you are the gem of the universe. You are a kiss from the galaxies, a nebula aligned in a double helix, a manifestation of heaven who contains the power of creation. When you feel worthless and low, remember that you are part of the cosmos and contain the nobility of the stars. You are worthy simply because you exist.

If you can't find the answer to your difficulty in any of the eight ways described here, go to the empty center and meditate patiently until the solution reveals itself to you. For example, if you feel out of control but can't find your answer in the wisdom of the lake, return to your center and look out toward the other seven solutions. Perhaps you need the inner strength of the mountain more than you need the clarity of the lake. Perhaps you need the enlightenment of love or the support of the earth. See which solution fits by asking yourself which qualities you can magnify to give yourself inner strength and peace. When you return to the stillness within and view the world objectively, nature will provide you with everything you need. To learn more, you can check out Fertile Days Get Pregnant.

How To Determine Fertility - Feng Shui-ing Your Actions

How To Determine Fertility

The Chinese have a concept called ling, which means divine state. The Chinese character for ling is composed of rain, drops falling from heaven, while two priestesses performing a ritual dance to effect changes in nature. The Taoist sages used rituals that raised their vibratory level to create changes in the world, which they called alchemy. The rituals and practices of The Way can similarly connect the spark of the Divine within you to the spirit of the Divine without, which will align you with the will of heaven and create the appropriate context through which change can occur.

How To Determine Fertility

I call these practices or actions "feng shui-ing" your life. You may already be familiar with feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice for maximizing the eight vital areas, or baguas, of your living environment. The practices I've developed align with those principles, working to attract positive life energy and keep it flowing and unblocked, so that you can live comfortably and naturally.

Just as there are eight vital areas in your home, there are eight vital energy areas of your life that form a circular path and are as important as the vital energy areas of your environment. The love area of your home is as important as the love actions in your life and the money area of your home is as important as your inner sense of value and worth. And just as you use feng shui to align furniture and spaces in your home for maximum energy flow and effect, we will use it here to align your actions for the most positive outcome, based on your individual characteristics. How To Determine Fertility

When you place yourself in the empty center - your true self; nothing added, nothing taken away, looking out at the world around you - you will see its goodness and how its elements care for you. Note that when you are in the center, you face the direction where the sun shines most brightly (the south), with the energies of emergence (the sunrise) to your left and the energies of return (sunset) to your right. Your water or source energies are to the north, behind you, forming your base of support.

The numbers, going clockwise from Water to Heaven, represent the trigrams presented in the octagonal bagua life compass presented in the I Ching. When life isn't moving along easily, and we have relationship, work life, or personal difficulties, the path might look very different.

When you feel difficulty in any of these areas in your life, don't reach for a quick external solution; contemplate the higher energy for this same area. For example, when I have difficulty in a particular area, before I take any action, I go to the circular meditation garden in my backyard. I face the direction of the particular bagua so its answer can be revealed. For example, if I am feeling rigid and uptight about something, I sit and meditate facing southeast and focus on the winds of change, seeing what needs to be changed in me and my response. To use this technique, try to consider the root of whatever is bothering you.

Does it feel more about fear or impatience? Are you feeling like a victim? Or powerless? Are those feelings coming from an actual threat, or just worry over something not wanted? In other words, something that's not real?

When you have located the area of blocked energy in your life, you can learn the answer to the problem by using the Path of Answers below to shift your energetic response to the situation. Move along the path, reflect on the problem, and then find the inner wisdom that leads you to the answer to your predicament. As Albert Einstein once said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

The Path of Answers

This method could be considered the Tao of troubleshooting problem areas in your life circumstances. It is not a salve simply to make you feel better, or an outer directive derived from experience. The Path of Answers leads you inward toward your own wisdom, reminding you that you already have all the answers you are seeking. Find the area that most represents the problem you have in your life, and compare it with the solution. How To Determine Fertility

This takes you from the lower contracted state to a state where your energy is freed to find the solution within. This brings us to the Chinese concept of wu wei: doing without doing. There is nothing to force; only reflect, find the inner stillness, and let your own answers emerge.

How To Determine Fertility


You may remember that fear and timidity are symptoms of blocked water energies. When you feel paralyzed by fear, you need to go deep within to where your water element resides and find those aspects of yourself that are scaring you. The depth is called the nadir, the lowest point, opposite the zenith on a celestial body. Instead of turning away from the fear or trying to hide it, as most people tend to do, the answer is to go within and, with gentleness, find your eternal source of strength.

That eternal source will provide you with what you need to know and enable you to live from your true nature. When my life goes through changes and I begin to experience fear of what my life will look like in the unknown, I meditate within, look at what I'm really afraid of (which is often simply fear of the unknown), and gently remind myself of my original nature - that I have all I need. No change need have power over me. To learn more, you can check out How To Determine Fertility.

Ways To Help Pregnancy - Right-Left Brain Functioning

Ways To Help Pregnancy

The corpus callossum fibers connect the lobes of your brain, allowing you to access both right- and left-brain function simultaneously. Try these exercises to expand the smooth working of this synchronization:
  1. Regularly practice this qi gong exercise: create a figure eight with your hands, moving them back and forth in the sign of infinity, crossing them at the midline.
  2. Dance, using steps in which you cross one leg over the other, bringing your right leg to the left side and your left leg to the right side.
  3. Wear your watch on the opposite wrist from your usual.
  4. Write in a journal daily to express your innermost self, Try using your non-dominant hand and allow your writing to be messy and expressive. Keep lists of things that bring you joy: loved ones, favorite memories, future experiences that you anticipate with pleasure.

Ways To Help Pregnancy

These kinds of exercises help the mind expand. Such expansion is not limited by intelligence or education, but comes from intention, attention, and practice. To replace old patterns with new ones it's important to reinforce your new chosen ways of being and thinking with daily practice.

Exercise also helps to rebalance brain energy and lift mood. Studies have shown that daily walking and swimming can increase levels of the brain's feel-good chemicals, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins. It also helps to talk to friends and counselors - let life be your therapy. Try also to keep sugar and refined carbohydrates out of your diet. Eat oily fish such as mackerel, halibut, sardines, salmon, and tuna and consume the abundance of organic, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Ways To Help Pregnancy

Enabling the expression of love

When your external actions match your internal blueprint, you flow with the universe and the way things are. You don't resist, you let go of what causes stress, and you adjust your attitude rather than trying to adjust the world.

When you operate at a higher level, negative Iower-level reactivity falls away. Many patients I've treated have had respiratory allergies, food sensitivities, and negative environmental reactions that disappeared when they stopped resisting and began accepting. My own damaging reactive processes, including arthritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraine headaches, stopped manifesting after I began to live according to The Way.

When you accept life on life's terms, you allow the laws of the universe to support you. Rather than living a draining struggle, you live effortlessly and selflessly, with love flowing like a river through your heart.

Love is a force in you that enables you to give other things. It is the motivating power. It enables you to give strength and power and freedom and and peace to another person. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. It is a power, like money or steam or electricity ...

Like any flowing body of energy, love must have an outlet so that it doesn't become stagnant and more love can be received. Many women send out their love by mothering children, organizations, projects, individuals, and communities. Mother Teresa is an example of this highest state of selfless loving.

But when the expression of love becomes obstructed, inner joy stagnates and you may begin to feel that your life has no purpose. Many women who feel this way turn to plastic surgeons, new romantic relationships, or a multitude of material projects, but these kinds of reactions do not enable love to flow.

Following The Way will keep you on a path of joy and enlightenment that the Taoist sages set forth when the world was their guide. As William Wordsworth said, "Come forth into the light of things; let nature be your teacher." While some of nature's changes along the way might seem violent or mystifying, remember that nature has a plan for you and will guide your body, mind, and spirit. So feel the fear of change, but do it anyway. Ways To Help Pregnancy

Daphne, a beautiful Italian woman I helped at a recent Fertile Soul retreat in Ireland, expressed this magical secret poignantly: "I have existed for forty years with all the tools I needed for life on earth. But nobody ever provided me with the instruction manual on how to use these tools until now. Now I know how to live." By following The Way, Daphne came into the light and took to heart the old Zen saying: "You cannot tread the Path before you become the Path yourself." Daphne found and became her path, the path that had always been there waiting for her to follow it. She opened a nursery school to be around the freshness of young children.

The ancient wisdom of the I Ching says that all things go through cycles of change, driven by the opposition of yin and yang. When a cycle rises and reaches its apogee, it then transforms and descends into its polar opposite. In this way, all of us go on a circular journey that spirals back to higher levels of ourselves, and those who are wise engage in meditation and self-cultivation to become more sensitive to the inherent movements of this natural cycle. 

Enlightened people do not see hard luck as tragedy: they see it as a learning opportunity, a chance for change. They are forever grateful for every situation and welcome both positive and negative experiences equally. They wear the world as a loose garment, with the ability to act appropriately in all settings. And as they become aware of the cycles of life they let go of the burden of the suffering self and feel lifted by the universe. 

If you look back at the many meaningful events in your life, I believe you will see that all along, life has been giving you clues to lead you toward your best destiny. Don't dwell on the past or try to predict the future, but do think of every moment as a critical juncture in which you can become more sensitive and more receptive to your inner strength and wisdom and to the pointers and subtle signs that nature is sending to you. Then, with reverence, humility, and service to others, you can reach higher levels of being and live the Divine life.

Ways To Help Pregnancy

In your personal life, for example, if a problem with your kidney system manifests in a hormonal imbalance - lack of libido, for instance - you can look at your deepest level of being, your original nature, and ask yourself with gentleness and compassion which inner needs are not being fulfilled. If you experience shortness of breath (which involves the lung or metal energies), you can look at areas in your life. in which you lack courage. If you have a great deal of anger (which involves the liver or wood energies), you may need to exercise the solutions that directly impact wood: using inner strength and judgment to change the situation, or adopting an attitude of compassion to accept it.

You can receive all of life's answers by using this model. Think of the center as the place where all the elements are balanced and where you go to wait for the correct answers to be revealed. There are times to act and times to be inactive, to wait instead of moving hastily in a way that is not appropriate to the situation. When you don't know what is appropriate, the answer - always - is to become still and turn to your center for guidance. 

Through meditation, put yourself into the background, beyond the difficulty, away from the problem and its talons of control, to find your truth. To learn more, you can check out Ways To Help Pregnancy.