The corpus callossum fibers connect the lobes of your brain, allowing you to access both right- and left-brain function simultaneously. Try these exercises to expand the smooth working of this synchronization:
- Regularly practice this qi gong exercise: create a figure eight with your hands, moving them back and forth in the sign of infinity, crossing them at the midline.
- Dance, using steps in which you cross one leg over the other, bringing your right leg to the left side and your left leg to the right side.
- Wear your watch on the opposite wrist from your usual.
- Write in a journal daily to express your innermost self, Try using your non-dominant hand and allow your writing to be messy and expressive. Keep lists of things that bring you joy: loved ones, favorite memories, future experiences that you anticipate with pleasure.
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These kinds of exercises help the mind expand. Such expansion is not limited by intelligence or education, but comes from intention, attention, and practice. To replace old patterns with new ones it's important to reinforce your new chosen ways of being and thinking with daily practice.
Exercise also helps to rebalance brain energy and lift mood. Studies have shown that daily walking and swimming can increase levels of the brain's feel-good chemicals, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins. It also helps to talk to friends and counselors - let life be your therapy. Try also to keep sugar and refined carbohydrates out of your diet. Eat oily fish such as mackerel, halibut, sardines, salmon, and tuna and consume the abundance of organic, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Ways To Help Pregnancy
Enabling the expression of love
When your external actions match your internal blueprint, you flow with the universe and the way things are. You don't resist, you let go of what causes stress, and you adjust your attitude rather than trying to adjust the world.
When you operate at a higher level, negative Iower-level reactivity falls away. Many patients I've treated have had respiratory allergies, food sensitivities, and negative environmental reactions that disappeared when they stopped resisting and began accepting. My own damaging reactive processes, including arthritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraine headaches, stopped manifesting after I began to live according to The Way.
When you accept life on life's terms, you allow the laws of the universe to support you. Rather than living a draining struggle, you live effortlessly and selflessly, with love flowing like a river through your heart.
Love is a force in you that enables you to give other things. It is the motivating power. It enables you to give strength and power and freedom and and peace to another person. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. It is a power, like money or steam or electricity ...
Like any flowing body of energy, love must have an outlet so that it doesn't become stagnant and more love can be received. Many women send out their love by mothering children, organizations, projects, individuals, and communities. Mother Teresa is an example of this highest state of selfless loving.
But when the expression of love becomes obstructed, inner joy stagnates and you may begin to feel that your life has no purpose. Many women who feel this way turn to plastic surgeons, new romantic relationships, or a multitude of material projects, but these kinds of reactions do not enable love to flow.
Following The Way will keep you on a path of joy and enlightenment that the Taoist sages set forth when the world was their guide. As William Wordsworth said, "Come forth into the light of things; let nature be your teacher." While some of nature's changes along the way might seem violent or mystifying, remember that nature has a plan for you and will guide your body, mind, and spirit. So feel the fear of change, but do it anyway. Ways To Help Pregnancy
Daphne, a beautiful Italian woman I helped at a recent Fertile Soul retreat in Ireland, expressed this magical secret poignantly: "I have existed for forty years with all the tools I needed for life on earth. But nobody ever provided me with the instruction manual on how to use these tools until now. Now I know how to live." By following The Way, Daphne came into the light and took to heart the old Zen saying: "You cannot tread the Path before you become the Path yourself." Daphne found and became her path, the path that had always been there waiting for her to follow it. She opened a nursery school to be around the freshness of young children.
The ancient wisdom of the I Ching says that all things go through cycles of change, driven by the opposition of yin and yang. When a cycle rises and reaches its apogee, it then transforms and descends into its polar opposite. In this way, all of us go on a circular journey that spirals back to higher levels of ourselves, and those who are wise engage in meditation and self-cultivation to become more sensitive to the inherent movements of this natural cycle.
Enlightened people do not see hard luck as tragedy: they see it as a learning opportunity, a chance for change. They are forever grateful for every situation and welcome both positive and negative experiences equally. They wear the world as a loose garment, with the ability to act appropriately in all settings. And as they become aware of the cycles of life they let go of the burden of the suffering self and feel lifted by the universe.
If you look back at the many meaningful events in your life, I believe you will see that all along, life has been giving you clues to lead you toward your best destiny. Don't dwell on the past or try to predict the future, but do think of every moment as a critical juncture in which you can become more sensitive and more receptive to your inner strength and wisdom and to the pointers and subtle signs that nature is sending to you. Then, with reverence, humility, and service to others, you can reach higher levels of being and live the Divine life.
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In your personal life, for example, if a problem with your kidney system manifests in a hormonal imbalance - lack of libido, for instance - you can look at your deepest level of being, your original nature, and ask yourself with gentleness and compassion which inner needs are not being fulfilled. If you experience shortness of breath (which involves the lung or metal energies), you can look at areas in your life. in which you lack courage. If you have a great deal of anger (which involves the liver or wood energies), you may need to exercise the solutions that directly impact wood: using inner strength and judgment to change the situation, or adopting an attitude of compassion to accept it.
You can receive all of life's answers by using this model. Think of the center as the place where all the elements are balanced and where you go to wait for the correct answers to be revealed. There are times to act and times to be inactive, to wait instead of moving hastily in a way that is not appropriate to the situation. When you don't know what is appropriate, the answer - always - is to become still and turn to your center for guidance.
Through meditation, put yourself into the background, beyond the difficulty, away from the problem and its talons of control, to find your truth. To learn more, you can check out Ways To Help Pregnancy.