Where do you feel weak or timid? It's possible to realign feelings of powerlessness if you are living according to other people's dictates, rather than your own. You have within you what you need to reclaim your power - you have a mountain of stability and the strength of a volcano.
Mountains are unmoving, strong, proud, and still. When you align yourself with the powerful forces of nature, you will find your true strength and the power of the mountain. To align yourself, be still like a mountain. Visualize yourself on a towering mountain peak, viewing the world objectively and understanding that some barriers must be acknowledged (for example, a sixty-year-old woman can't start a biological family). When you are ready to descend back into your surroundings, bring the power of the mountain with you. You are not powerless.
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Frustration and anger
The loud clamor of thunder is representative of the force required to overcome the inner resistance that builds to frustration and anger. Thunder shakes, agitates, and upsets the torpor of inaction that can fester within and turn against you. Where do you need to take action? Where do you need the power of thunder to shake up what isn't working? Find your power and then balance it with compassion, which, like the rising sun, comes from a place of kindness and allows change. Compassion and kindness will enable you to find your inner voice, which cannot be squelched by the actions of others, and to overcome what needs to be changed within yourself or in your world.
In what areas of your life do you feel inflexible, where you could use a little more suppleness? A position at work or a stiff relationship? Rigid trees can be toppled by a strong wind, but flexible trees such as hollow bamboo can flow and move with it. Because we cannot change or stop the wind, it's essential to move with the inevitable changes that blow through our lives. Fertile Days Get Pregnant
Consider where you need to be flexible and when you should raise the sails of your soul to catch life's power and go where it is taking you. Observe the power of the wind as it turns a windmill, lifts a kite, carries a bird, pushes a sailboat, gently ruffles your hair, rolls and rocks a tumbleweed. Then let yourself move with your personal winds of change and purification as you remain rooted and stable deep within the ground.
Impatience and hatred
Is impatience, lack of joy, or hatred keeping you from shining in the world? Is there a person, institution, or political situation toward which you feel intolerance, annoyance, or hatred? If so, forgiveness is the key, burning away these lower, stagnant energies so that the light of your spirit and inner divinity can radiate through. Fire and its brilliant powers burn away hatred and let warmth and joy spread upward and outward, letting your highest nature gleam with love. Fire and passion, however, can burn out of control, so it's important to tame them with restraint and channel them into appropriate arenas.
Bask in the warmth of your love and use it to ignite the spirit of others, but don't send your passion unchecked into the world.
Feeling victimized
When you feel as though you're a victim of your circumstances and life isn't fair, you need a good dose of Mother Earth. Open yourself to receive the earth's nourishment and support and allow yourself to grow in her rich soil, fed by her lakes and rivers, mighty and calm. Be fair like Mother Earth, who has no favorites and does not provide according to who is most deserving. Give because it is your nature and ask for nothing in return. Be patient, kind, and fair, and accept yourself for who you are.
Life cannot be controlled, and this can cause grief and sadness when something happens that we don't want. One of my patients was still in deep grief eighteen years after her mother died, thinking of her and crying many times each day, which kept her from living life fully. The solution is to recognize and accept the disorder and fractal qualities of life, surrender to them, and move on with courage and purpose. Then, like a lake whose mud settles to the bottom, calm will descend, and clarity will be revealed.
Lakes, like people, teem with life and abundance, but both also contain chaos, decay, and death. The lake represents the paradox of life and death and shows us how surrendering to whatever the weather brings, whether calm or storm, is how we find peace. Waves come and go whether we approve of them or not, and they cannot be resisted; they can only be released. Fertile Days Get Pregnant
Like a lake that freezes in winter and thaws in summer, life changes. Even if your life seems organized and controlled, there is strength in recognizing that it is constantly moving and that the depth below the calm exterior is always churning. Courageously accept life's motion and understand that it results in goodness, joy, and harmony when you surrender to its sacred geometry.
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Low self-worth
Difficult situations may trigger feelings of low self-worth. Many of us have felt worthless because of something we've done or because other people have told us we're worthless, but true self-worth doesn't come from what you do, whom you align yourself with, or how you appear. It comes from who you are - and you are the gem of the universe. You are a kiss from the galaxies, a nebula aligned in a double helix, a manifestation of heaven who contains the power of creation. When you feel worthless and low, remember that you are part of the cosmos and contain the nobility of the stars. You are worthy simply because you exist.
If you can't find the answer to your difficulty in any of the eight ways described here, go to the empty center and meditate patiently until the solution reveals itself to you. For example, if you feel out of control but can't find your answer in the wisdom of the lake, return to your center and look out toward the other seven solutions. Perhaps you need the inner strength of the mountain more than you need the clarity of the lake. Perhaps you need the enlightenment of love or the support of the earth. See which solution fits by asking yourself which qualities you can magnify to give yourself inner strength and peace. When you return to the stillness within and view the world objectively, nature will provide you with everything you need. To learn more, you can check out Fertile Days Get Pregnant.