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Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts

Vitamins For Infertility - Taking Vitamins And Minerals For Fertility

Vitamins For Infertility

Women may want to consider these supplements and vitamins:
  • Iron (10-20 mg/day): Anemia can lead to infertility. Women who bleed profusely may be anemic, those who rarely bleed may in fact be either anemic or too high in iron.
  • Vitamin C (500-1500 rag/day): This powerful anti-oxidant helps to protect cells and strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin E (400-800 i.u, per day): Vitamin E may increase egg quality. In a preliminary human trial, infertile couples given vitamin E (200 IU per day for the female and 100 IU per day for the male) showed a significant increase in fertility. 

Detoxification For Fertility

Detoxification For Fertility

A simple home detoxification when you are trying to get pregnant doubles your chances to get pregnant.
Ayurveda recommends following this intensive program for one to two weeks: A simple home practice can be a regime of simple eating, lots of massages with oil and a mild detoxification. During this whole regime, eat only kicharee. This is a wonderful healing food that is known as "food of the gods".

Detoxification For Fertility

Foods For Infertility - The 6 Tastes

Foods For Infertility

In the overview of the Six Tastes below, "-" after a doshic initial refers to a balancing (or decreasing) effect on that particular dosha, while "+" refers to an aggravating (or increasing) effect.

SWEET (V- P- K+)

Sweet taste results from the combination of Water and Earth and is heavy, moist and cooling by nature. In the West, sugary foods are most commonly associated with this taste. Sweet taste is also found in milk and milk products (like butter, ghee and cream), most grains (especially wheat, rice and barley), many legumes (like beans and lentils), sweet fruits (such as bananas and mangos) and certain cooked vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes and beets).
Foods For Infertility

The Infertility Diet

The Infertility Diet

  • Grains including wheat, rice, barley and corn
  • Milk and sweet milk products like ghee, butter and cream
  • Sweet fruits like figs, grapes, pears, coconuts, dates, mangoes and dried fruits 
  • Cooked vegetables like potato, carrot, beetroot, cauliflower, sweet potato and beans 
  • Sugar - raw, refined, brown and white - molasses and sugar cane juice 
The Infertility Diet

Diet And Infertility - Using Diet, Vitamins and Minerals

Diet And Infertility

Diet and lifestyle have direct impact on your ability to conceive. How? Take in the wrong substances and you weaken your immune system organs and blood flow; which can all create an imbalance in your body that prohibits one of its most important jobs: conceiving and nurturing a baby.

Diet And Infertility

Ayurveda has certain remedies that are very easy to use, with no side effect. The herbs and other items required for these remedies are easily available.

Diet For Infertility - Vitamins And Minerals

Diet For Infertility

Vitamin B6
Is apparently linked to the female reproductive process. Birth control pills almost completely eliminate this vitamin from the body. In a study of 14 women, aged 23 to 31, who had unexplained infertility and who were unable to become pregnant for from 18 months to 7 years, 11 of the 14 became pregnant within 6 months, the 8th woman became pregnant after 11 months, and the other 2 out of the study - one after adopting a child and the other due to divorcing. 

Progesterone concentrations increased in 5 of the 7 women whose hormone levels were measured. A proper balance of estrogen and progesterone is essential pregnancy to occur. Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to a buildup of estrogen in the system and the ovary responds by shutting down its progesterone production, which can lead to miscarriage and luteal phase defects. B6 is also effective as a bromocriptine in lowering prolactin, the hormone which prepares the mother for breast feeding; too much prolactin can prevent pregnancy.

Diet For Infertility

Infertility Diet Plan - Your Diet

Infertility Diet Plan


Herbs have been used for fertility problems for thousands of years. A classic case is found in the Bible, with the story of Rachel and Leah. Rachel tried for years to conceive; then she finally eats mandrakes and conceives (Genesis 30).
Dong quai
Used for thousands of years by Chinese women for menstrual regularity and to nourish and balance the reproductive system. Modern science has verified that Dong Quai is rich in vitamin E, cobalt and iron, though it takes months of regular use to benefit.

Infertility Diet Plan