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Pcos And Infertility - Pcos And

Pcos And Infertility

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) systemic endocrine and metabolic disorders that could really be called the "Polycystic Ovary/ Excess Androgen Production/ Adrenal Hyperplasia/ Insulin Resistant/ Hyperpipidemic/ Often Overweight/ Anovulatory /Hirsute/ Sometimes Acne" Syndromes.
The signs include disordered gonadotropin output, insulin resistance, elevated fasting blood insulin levels, increased ovarian androgen production, lack of regular ovulatory cycles (i.e. no ovulation), menstrual irregularity, infertility; obesity, acne, excessive hair growth, hirsutism and hair loss.

Pcos And Infertility

Hyperinsulinemia (elevated serum insulin levels) appears to cause the hyperandrogenism by increasing testosterone and androstenedione. High levels of androgenic hormones interferes with the ovarian axis, leading to increased lutenising hormone levels, anovulation, amenorrhoea and infertility.

The term "insulin resistance" means that your body is more resistant to the action of insulin than normal. Insulin is the hormone that keeps your blood sugar within "normal" limits. If you are insulin-resistant, your pancreas has to make more insulin to keep your sugar normal. As long as your pancreas can meet the excess demand placed upon it, you are okay. If your pancreas cannot keep up with the increased demand, your blood sugar will rise and you will become diabetic.

Evidence points to an inherited abnormal form of insulin that is inefficient at regulating blood sugar levels. There also appears to be a problem with the insulin receptor not allowing insulin to facilitate the entrance of glucose into the cell.

It is fairly easy to determine whether someone is insulin-resistant. One of the most common ways to find out is simply to measure the fasting blood sugar and fasting insulin level in the morning. Most women will also need to undergo a Glucose Tolerance Test, measuring both blood sugar levels and insulin levels. If the insulin levels are higher than they ought to be, this indicates insulin resistance. More on insulin resistance in the succeeding posts.

Acanthosis nigricans

This is simply a brownish/black velvety pigmentation of the skin, most commonly seen at the base of the back of your neck. Acanthosis is a marker (a red flag) for insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance may cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cholesterol problems, uterine abnormalities and uterine cancer. The best test is basal body temperature (essential for checking ovulation). 

Treatments include hormonal restoratives, metabolic balancers, reduction of glucose and insulin levels to assist the hepatic system in the breakdown of steroid hormones. The conventional treatments are metformin (reduces insulia resistance) oral contraceptives (can increase insulin resistance).

Ayurvedic treatment

PCOS is a disorder involving pitta, kapha, medas, ambhuvahasrotas, shukra/ arthava dhatu. These causes must be considered in treatment:
  • Eating excessive sweets
  • Eating inappropriate foods for digestive capacity
  • Long-term digestive weakness 
  • Lack of love 
  • Lack of contact with inner self 
Premonitory signs
  • Slight irregularities in menstrual cycle 
  • Mild pain on ovulation, downy hair growth 
  • Weight gain
  • Irregular appetite
  • Constipation 
  • Mild ache 
Kapha predominance manifests as increased weight, infertility, hirsutism, diabetic tendencies and coldness. Pitta predominance manifests as hair loss, ache, painful menses, clots and heart problems. Vata predominance manifests with painful menses, severe menstrual irregularity, low weight and coldness.

Giving treatments that relieve symptoms:
  • Kapha reducing herbs
  • Insulin enhancing herbs
  • Hormone rebalancing  
  • Obstruction-clearing herbs
Pcos And Infertility

General treatment:
  • EFAs to help with triglycerides: useOrganic hemp seed oil
  • Karela/bitter melon (Momordica charantia): reduces fasting and postprandial blood glucose without increasing insulin; it also appears to enhance tissue sensitivity to insulin 
  • Fenugreek (Trigonella foenicum-graecum): reduces fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin 
  • Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre): helps to reduce blood sugar levels 
  • Nerves: To help with stress of amenorrhoea and infertility; organic Ashwagandha may be useful here 
  • Fibre: Reduces fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin 
  • Chromium picolinate (200-400mcg/day): Black pepper is high in chromium and can assist in balancing blood sugar levels
  • Psyllium: Reduces postprandial glucose and insulin levels
  • Exercise: Enhances tissue sensitivity to insulin (80% of the body's insulin mediated glucose uptake occurs in muscles)
To find out more, you can check out Pcos And Infertility.