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Showing posts with label Female. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Female. Show all posts

Female Infertility Causes - Beliefs

Female Infertility Causes

Our self-beliefs (or internal programming) determine our conscious behavior. Anyone who has tried to give up smoking or lose weight using willpower alone will attest to the strength of these self-beliefs. We have thousands of these subconscious self-beliefs that govern all areas of our lives.

Where do self-beliefs come from? Mostly they develop in us at a very young age. It's interesting to note that, unlike adults, children spend the majority of their waking time in the alpha region. Most of our adult behaviors are based on "programming" we picked up before the age of 5 or 6. But then as we get older we lose the ability to stay in the alpha state, mainstream education sees to that.

Female Infertility Causes