Chinese medicine incorporates the concept of an internal wind, which not only accounts for internal shaking movements like twitches but also initiates the alchemical transformation process, which can be seen when someone in a deep meditative state begins to shake. This tremendous force gives power from within just as the earth restructures itself through earthquakes; the internal winds of change come from awareness that things inside need to change.
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To start your transformation, invite the purification process by allowing your internal winds to blow and paying no attention to the external winds in your environment. Instead of blaming outside forces, let your internal wind help you reclaim your personal power. When you know you have control over the way you react to any situation, you can take full responsibility for all you do, instead of avoiding, denying, or resisting reality in harmful ways, such as escaping through addictive behaviors or substances.
In the depths of your being, water will transform you as the immense geyser of your true self erupts. As Lao Tzu tells us, you will "be like water, and go to the places loathed by [wo]men ... deep beyond knowing ... still enough to awaken slowly into life ... and you'll wear away into completion." How To Fall Pregnant Fast
To go to your depths and release the powerful winds of change within you, perform the following exercise regularly, being gentle with yourself throughout and remembering that there are no wrong responses. This is the complete process of inner alchemy, the pieces of which we have explored up to this point. Create a comfortable and sacred meditation space in your home; when your world becomes sacred, without and within, the Divine will step in to help you reach your goals. The more you practice, the more you will become acquainted with your purifying inner depths.
Journey Through the Body's Inner Universe
This exercise is best performed in a chair, with your bare feet planted on the ground and your head lifted. Breathe in through your nose, following the breath past your heart, lowering your diaphragm to allow your belly to stick out as you inhale and to sink naturally as you exhale, The deeper you breathe, the lower your energy level will drop.
Start by bringing your attention to the center of the bottom of your feet, the source of the bubbling spring. Root yourself to the earth and feel the warmth coming up to you from the magma in the center of the earth. Follow this energy up, through your legs, your sacrum, spine, neck, and head. Then bring your awareness to the top of your head and draw in healing energy from the sun, which melts you from your head down. Feel your head melt into your ears and face and neck and your neck muscles melt into your shoulders. Let your shoulders melt. When you feel completely relaxed, begin the following exercise.
Step 1: Harvest your inner potential
Bring your awareness to just below your navel, where your most powerful energy lives, in the lower chamber of essence where the uterus resides. Feel yourself breathing in and out through your chamber, as though your belly button is doing the breathing. Fill your belly and pelvis with the qi of life. Then extend the channel that runs horizontally along your hip bones like a belt and feel it as a shield protecting your body.
Step 2: Activate your qi
The microcosmic breath
Breathe in through your nose, placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Draw a golden cord of light through the microcosmic orbit: begin at the perineum, between your vaginal and anal openings, and draw the breath energy up to your navel and chest to connect with the energetic point between your eyebrows and up to your crown. Release the exhalation down your neck, spine, and tailbone, scooping up air with the next inhalation. Continue this form of breathing throughout the exercise.
The internal smile
This smile is one you don't simply make with your lips. This is a cellular smile that enlivens your organs with appreciation. Like when you gaze at a loved one, send love and attention to each of your organs to encourage them to function optimally and help you find peace within. How To Fall Pregnant Fast
Step 3: Heal
If you encounter a blockage as you do this part of the exercise, allow yourself to feel it and move through it. To refine the pain into a source of healing, connect with and regulate each of the energy elements and its organ system through quiet reflection.
The kidneys
Breathe into your source with the intention of opening yourself up to learn who you are at your core. As you breathe in, feel your kidneys in your lower back, tucked beneath your bottom ribs. Bring the warmth of your heart's fire down past your kidneys and into your chamber of essence to connect with the life-giving energies of the uterus.
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Feel into the depths of your being, your essence, your makeup, the home of your DNA, the person you are meant to be. Deep within, deeper than what you do in life, deeper than the fear of not being enough, lies your original Divine gift. You consist of all that came before you, in a unique patterning of your life. Your DNA contains messages passed down from your ancestors that are always available to you. Think about places in your life that are working, and about what you would like to see more or less of.
Think about what you have covered up and need to expose to yourself. Acknowledge the latter gently and compassionately - life can be hard, and all of us need to withdraw at times. Breathe into your fear, see it for what it is, see that it has no power over you, then release it from the safety and security of your own source. Feel the spark of the Divine and listen to your inner voice, which will always tell you truths. To learn more, you can check out How To Fall Pregnant Fast.