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How To Improve Conception - Control Your Qi

How To Improve Conception

When there is anger, the qi rises up 

Healthy wood, or liver, energies are fresh and alive and necessary to overcome resistance. But when these energies are blocked or imbalanced, resistance - to what is or is supposed to be - is fueled, causing frustration and stress, because we rarely can change the way things are. Frustration produces aggravation, resentment, and anger. Anger thrusts up and out-this is why you can feel people's anger even if they don't express it.

When anger, either excessive or suppressed, obstructs the qi of the liver meridian, it produces tension, which leads to increased heat. Boyle's law tells us that when pressure increases in any given volume, the temperature also rises, in the body as well as in laboratory experiments. Anger can produce internal pressure, which also converts to heat. The heat rises and increases, resulting in red face and eyes, a raised voice, headaches, and hypertension, which, in the long run, damages organs and exhausts vitality. Long-term tension can also stiffen the liver, reducing its ability to transform hormones, proteins, toxins, and emotions. During the premenstrual period, agitation can mount and migraine headaches, breast pain, irritability, and an overall feeling of malaise can develop.

How To Improve Conception

But anger does not have to be negative and damaging to the body. When it is expressed directly and completely to release the liver pressure, it can be a beneficial force to help us overcome barriers and leave unhealthy relationships or work situations. How To Improve Conception

Several ideograms from the Chinese language describe this movement. The most common character, Qi, shows the movement of qi under pressure, like the weather. Another, Nao, depicts the heart and brain on fire. One symbol, Jing, shows a fish transforming into a bird, breaking through the water and rising up in the air. This implies a violence proper to all beginnings: the force necessary to overcome resistance and to allow the birth process. Another ideogram, Nu, illustrates a heart and a woman Under someone's hand, implying slave-like treatment and injustice. Anger can be beneficial and positive here; it is not damaging when it helps us recognize, something inherently wrong and is used to break the bond holding the corruption in place. 

To release suppressed anger, communicate your frustration about the situation that's angering you. Internal dialogue that merely justifies your point of view fuels the conflict. Feel inside to see if you are inspired to thoughts or actions that make you feel better. Would it help to talk to someone about it? Meditate about it? Journal about it? Stomp, cry, or scream? And, finally, when you have found a way to release, it will allow you to accept what remains, and from that place find compassion for yourself and others. Let everything else go.

When there is obsessive thought, qi is knotted 

Obsessive thought is any negative thought, consideration, reflection, or form of attention that cycles around and around without producing some advancement. When it doesn't result in a beneficial shift in consciousness or inspiration to action, thought can become tangled, with no beginning and no end - a maze in which someone can get lost, dragging around personal troubles and the world's difficulties. This internal oppression becomes wedged, preventing qi from circulating properly and injuring the body's organs' ability to function.

When the heart, the empress of all our organ systems, falls prey to this internal angst and constant recollection, its natural outward movement becomes thwarted. It becomes caught up in its own image, like Narcissus, and can only think of itself; The self, disconnected from its true nature, perceives only lack. The world, then, is not seen as a place of endlessly abundant glory and magnificence, but merely as a means to serve the self and its insatiable needs. In this bound state, the heart loses its ability to love and a person loses her ability to be her true self. How To Improve Conception

To move past the knotted state of obsessive thought, find the spark of the Divine within the highest aspect of the earth energies, which allows them to lift you toward your highest purpose and then move out into the world to express it. Living from the soul, which is outward, keeps you from the contracted state of living merely for self-fulfillment, which is a leftover immature perception from a life not purposefully lived. Your thoughts create your reality, but they don't create you. You are not your beliefs. You are so much more. You are an expression of incorruptible spirit.

When there is sadness, the qi disappears 

Because the metal energies initiate tightening, creating an energy vortex within the chest, excessive sadness can become a vacuum, reducing qi and hindering its movement. To people in the depths of grief it may feel as though if they give in to it there will be no coming back - and there isn't. There is only going through and coming out on the other side.

How To Improve Conception

Larry and Jessica found their twenty-one-year-old son in their room after he had killed himself. Nobody could ease their pain, and they found they had no choice but to go through it. And in doing so they discovered a depth in themselves and each other that they wouldn't have known if not for this loss. And this gift that they learned is something they can share with others in need of healing.

While we resist grief and loss like no other emotion because it reminds us of our mortality, we need to accept, experience, and let go to enable qi to flow. When we surrender to the pain of loss, sadness, and grief, we heal ourselves and emerge stronger than we were before. To learn more, you can check out How To Improve Conception.