The liver
The large, expansive liver, which is located under your right rib cage, branches out to purify, transform, and rid the body of all that is not helpful or useful. Bring your attention to your liver and visualize the color green - sprouting, growing, expanding, and generating. Think of a tiny acorn becoming a towering oak and the energy that requires.
Now connect with your own power and reflect on whether there are any inner directives you haven't carried out. Do you have pain stuck inside that festers as anger or some other emotion? Have certain barriers prevented your growth? Are there situations you feel have caused you to stagnate? Do unfulfilled desires bind you up inside? Remember that denying what you find inside will not allow a solution to emerge. Locate any tightness and recognize how and where the frustration has produced tension in your body.
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Then, feel how the trapped tension wants to get out. Breathe quickly and shallowly around it - hyperventilating - until it is bursting with the attention of your own qi. Then, let the tension rise to the surface of your body, moving upward and outward, and release it deliberately, even forcefully: flail your arms, scream, stomp - whatever it takes to get the tension out.
Next, turn your appreciation inward to the liver's ability to transform and the strength it provides you to achieve your goals. Connect with your deepest vision, your innermost dreams. See them clearly. When you connect with the power of your imagination, you unleash the power of inner transformation and allow your dreams to become reality. Breathe your own healing breath into your liver and feel the pressure release as the energy flows freely. Be grateful to your liver for all it does for you. How To Get Pregnant The First Try
The spleen
The earth energies of the spleen, stomach, and pancreas allow you to take in what you need to nourish yourself and release the rest through the bowels. The earth energies also represent the thought process, which can be ineffective when cluttered by constant thinking that doesn't produce action. Ask yourself if your thought process is clear and unhindered or if it is weakened by worry. Do you obsess about what you don't have?
To unclutter your thoughts, bring your awareness to your solar plexus, midway between your breastbone and your belly button, where the earth energies are located. Focus on your center. Consider whether you are able to let in things that are good for you and nourish your body and soul and if you're able to release things that don't support you. Breathe deeply into the middle of your abdomen, the home of your spleen and stomach, and focus on the breath. Fill your empty abdomen with earth energies and let them untie the knots of worry and obsessive thought. Release the thoughts and open up your center to let fresh, healthy nourishment in. Allow an internal vacancy that can be filled with fresh options.
Take some deep, cleansing breaths and experience the state of openness and receptivity. Let thoughts come and then let them go, like clouds passing through an open sky. In this state, like a magnet, you draw to yourself the focus of your intention.
The lungs
Healthy lung energies represent the face you show the world. They enable you to both form bonds with others and relinquish those that are no longer in line with your highest purpose. The lungs symbolize the solidified physical self at one end of the spectrum, rigid and confined, and the ability to decay, dissolve, and be reborn at the other end. Hildegard von Bingen said, "The soul is for the body as the sap is for the tree," and the soul energies unfold as the tree unfolds its gestalt. The lungs signify the return to the innermost self, the way a tree provides sap to its roots in the winter.
To activate the lung energies, bring your awareness to the center of your chest. Feel the inward pull as your chest expands on the inhalation. Feel yourself being breathed, in and out, through no effort on your part as you breathe in the aroma of life. Bring your awareness to how your breath moves inward, representing the contraction of sorrow from your initial separation from the Divine. Follow the movement to the center of your chest and then feel its contraction of individuation as it meets the heart's outpouring of love. This is the place where your separate self ends and you become one with the spirit of existence. How To Get Pregnant The First Try
Notice how your breath continues through you - to benefit from it, all you have to do is receive it. Feel the acceptance and embrace the breath of life. Feel the clear, crisp, cool white energy rush in and out with each breath you take. Feel the courage you receive by accepting and surrendering to every breadth. Release each breath fully, opening yourself up to receive again. Exhale fully, relinquishing everything that has kept you from expressing your highest good.
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The heart
The heart, the empress of the body, mind, and spirit, circulates pure, unconditional love through your body and connects your spirit with the spirit of the universe. The heart energies are passionate and warm, expansive and limitless, and, when the heart is healthy, they radiate peace, love, and joy.
To activate these energies, bring your awareness to the center of your chest. Feel the warmth of your heart and see how deep inside you can feel its beat. Now, expand the feeling and see how far you can project your heart's love outward into the cosmos. Continue to do this for as long as you can. As you project love, you honor yourself with the power of the spirit. To learn more, you can check out How To Get Pregnant The First Try.