Releasing inner conflict frees up energy that can be used to transform and create new possibilities in our lives. To resolve wood imbalances, connect with the power of your imagination. See yourself expressing health and abundance and having your dreams become reality. Turn your compassion to your inner body and appreciate the many functions of your liver. Feel a sense of reverence and gratitude. Breathe healing breaths into your liver. Meditate as often as possible.
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Self-massage can also help bring your awareness to the tension in your body and help you resolve it and let it go.
Massage your feet, your temples, and your belly with a mintbased oil, which helps release obstructed energy. Massage your breasts to lift stagnated liver energies there and prevent further buildup.
For people in generally good health, I also suggest trying an occasional liver cleanser, involving fasting, detox teas, and avoiding toxins by switching to organic foods and by staying away from toxic fumes and cleaning supplies. Look online or check with a naturopath or other practitioner of natural medicine for some good liver cleansers. Process For Getting Pregnant
Also pay attention to your body's reactions to your world. Work on accepting the things that you can't change and be courageous in working to change those things that you can. You'll find wisdom in that awareness, and you'll also find balance. The powerful "Serenity Prayer," written by Reinhold Niebuhr, helps me to determine where to place my energies when I become upset:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
The journey to finding balance requires us to let go of the patterns that obstruct or cut off the flow of our life force. Another technique for recognizing both the patterns and the life force helps us unclench ourselves to enable an unobstructed energy flow. Are you clenched or unclenched? Become aware of the difference and check yourself routinely to remain fluid and free.
To understand what being clenched feels like, make a tight fist. Press your teeth together and tense your jaw. Look around and compare yourself to others, See how different they are from you and how they have it better than you. Take small, shallow breaths as you recognize that they are younger and have flatter stomachs; suck your stomach in tighter. Turn your thoughts to all you don't have but desire and all the insurmountable obstacles in front of you. Think about all you haven't done at your job and your sense of hopelessness. Should you stay later at the office tomorrow or work through lunch? Become aware of the worry and stress you feel and think about how it will keep you awake tonight.
Notice the stress that these clenching attitudes produce. Can you feel how it creates contracting tension inside your body? Can you feel how stress and worry close off your energy and inner spaciousness?
To understand the sensation of being unclenched, start by releasing your fists. Open your hands and let your shoulders drop. Close your eyes and turn your attention within as you exhale. Breathe deeply, feeling the depths of your breaths as you let out your belly. If you're quiet enough, you may be able to hear the amazing sound of your heart beating - part of the miracle that you are. Process For Getting Pregnant
Breathe slowly and deeply and let the knot of tension untie itself. Let your muscles relax, and think of something that makes you laugh. Notice the vibrations of your laughter and see if you can feel it reverberate throughout your body. Connect with the deepest part of your belly. Feel a sense of compassion and allow a smile to emerge. Feel for any residual tension anywhere in your body that is asking for your attention. Bring your awareness and the healing energy of your own hands to it.
Unclenching and allowing your energy to flow make all the things you do require less effort, which means you will expend less energy because you'll be functioning on a much higher level. When you unclench, you breathe deeper, your sympathetic nervous system relaxes, and blood flows to oxygenate your entire body. You actually increase energy and balance your hormones. Your digestive system can also absorb nutrients better and your intestines can properly excrete waste. Relaxation and pleasure chemicals are released in your brain and gut and you rest more deeply and can become more effective.
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Allow Life To Live Through You
Life flows through the body's center by way of the solar plexus, which is located midway between the belly button and the bottom of the sternum. Here many nerves come together, digestive processes are controlled, and emotions meet. Our center is also a psychic gathering place where we create and reinforce our self image. Deeper than the self-image, however, is a sense of self that isn't touched by our interpretations of life. This sanctuary, deep within our depths, was in our infant awareness before our thought process formed, and we can access this clarity by calming the reactive mind and allowing new inspirations to emerge.
Habitual negative thought patterns sometimes block this clarity and blind us to our highest potential. One of my favorite examples of this is an anecdote about Albert Einstein. After years of intense calculations, Einstein's theory of relativity came to him while he was relaxing in the bathtub. He had to stop thinking about it before it could emerge. To learn more, you can check out Process For Getting Pregnant.