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Ways To Improve Pregnancy - Living The Life You Want

Ways To Improve Pregnancy

When I began, more than twenty years ago, to research a successful infertility cure, I looked to ancient souses of Eastern wisdom: the Tao and traditional Chinese medicine. These systems have helped people around the globe create inner balance and live in harmony with their environment for thousands of years; I reinterpreted their guidance to apply to women in the twenty-first century. I uncovered ten secrets and developed a program that enables women who previously couldn't conceive to become pregnant and have healthy babies.

Ways To Improve Pregnancy

At first, I taught my technique only to help women become pregnant, and my program resulted in an astonishing increase in participants' pregnancy rate. But I also found that it resulted in helping women move forward and feel increased vitality and contentment in all areas of their lives, from their work to their home life to their sense of self. As their fierce fight to have a child lessened, the women found that they were more capable of living a calm yet energized happy life and they were able to more easily fulfill their most cherished dreams. Letting go instead of resisting the way things are proved to be the path to serenity.

How can my program not only enable conception but reduce stress and increase vitality? It's because infertility, lack of vitality, and stress are bound together. They are all symptoms of a life out of balance. Our procreative energies are at the very core of our being and, if obstructed, can't be fully expressed. But once stress and the blocked energy, bodily imbalances and dysfunctional organ responses it produces are released, women become not only more able to conceive, but more relaxed, more receptive, and more joyful, open to new ideas, new projects and new lives.

I've seen it time and time again. Rebecca, a psychotherapist who attended four of my Fertile Soul retreats, described how ancient secrets helped her stop trying to force her destiny and live instead according to her true nature: Ways To Improve Pregnancy 

It's like losing your keys. You look everywhere and anywhere - sometimes you took in the same place multiple times - but you still have no keys. It is when you give up looking that they suddenly appear under your nose and you're amazed that they were right there the whole time. You swear you looked there! I looked for my keys (to a happier life) for three years.

I used every flashlight, strobe light, and digging machine I could find. I didn't want to stop looking because I didn't want to give up that sense of control. Letting go of control is the hardest step of this program but it's the one with the greatest reward. When you stop trying to control the outcome, everything that you're looking for will come to you. Your keys will be found. They've been there all along.

My Personal Path to Balance

I discovered the ten secrets that let women reduce their stress and tap into the creative power of the universe when I was trying to prove myself to the world. In my twenties I became obsessed with my weight, my appearance, and my achievements. I developed addictive qualities and became more and more aware of the emptiness inside that I was desperately trying to fill with external pursuits, including the fight to have a child.
Although I had conceived my first daughter fairly easily, things were much more difficult the second time around. I was fresh out of medical school, married to a physician, and determined to have another child. Month after month passed by without producing the longed-for result, and I became more and more obsessed with bearing another child.

I also started experiencing some unsettling hormonal problems. My periods became irregular sometimes disappearing completely, my hair began to fall out, and I suffered through night sweats and joint pain. A visit to my gynecologist revealed I had extremely low estrogen and progesterone levels, which were preventing me from conceiving. My doctor recommended I take a drug called Clomid (clomiphene citrate) to stimulate my ovaries to produce more eggs. Ways To Improve Pregnancy

Though I was desperate enough to undergo just about any medical treatment to become pregnant, I decided against taking Clomid. I believed I had a problem with my entire hormonal system, not with egg production, and hormones couldn't rectify that. (I didn't know it then, but hormones operate via negative feedback, meaning that when you supply hormonal drugs from the outside, they shut off your body's own hormonal production.) My husband, Ed, also reminded me of the many medical problems that can result from hormonal stimulation. Deep within me I knew that a child wouldn't come simply because I demanded it.

Ways To Improve Pregnancy

So I decided to heal myself - the decision was the beginning of the end of my struggle. Somehow I knew that the only way I would really heal was from within. I read everything l could about conception and reproduction. I changed my lifestyle to include a more balanced eating plan and meditative movement exercises. Eventually, I stopped smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, and diet soda, and eating milk products, sugar, and animal products. I drank wheatgrass every day and took several nutritional supplements. In other words, I took better care of myself.

Then I read a book that described how acupuncture could help treat infertility. So I started going to three different acupuncturists, who treated me in three different ways. I also began taking Chinese herbal fertility tonics, which smelled and tasted awful. I tried every possibility I came across. But as I chased more cures, I still didn't become pregnant.

My health improved enormously, though. My hair stopped falling out, the night sweats came less often, and my energy increased significantly. I felt like a stronger, healthier person, which allowed me to become even more comfortable with my new way of life. Soon I was actually enjoying life again - and became pregnant. I was thrilled - and hooked on the benefits of Oriental medicine. Next post, I'll talk more about the Chinese medicine. Before that to learn more, you can check out Ways To Improve Pregnancy.