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Possible Days To Get Pregnant - Learning The Womb Breath

Possible Days To Get Pregnant

Meditation: The womb breath 

This exercise is particularly useful in helping let go of fear. There is nothing wrong with being afraid; you just don't want to let fear control you. Fear causes the self to withdraw and stay continually on the alert for protection. The remedy is to acknowledge the fear and breathe into it, to go quietly to the dark, scary place, feel your fear, watch it, acknowledge it, see it for what it is, and then release it by breathing it out through your nose. By pulling your energy downward, to the source, the chambers of essence, and then drawing it up to your highest state of being, you accept your fear and gently allow it to dissolve.
Possible Days To Get Pregnant
Focus your breath a few inches below your belly button, as if you are breathing in and out through the chamber of essence. As you breathe in, picture your depths as a deep, dark blue, the color of water, which governs the kidneys. Picture your uterus, a pear-shaped organ with fallopian tubes extending from the top, as a void that connects you to all of the cosmos, a void into which the power of the universe is allowed. Locate your uterus and massage it. Then bring your awareness to your ovaries, which lie between your hips and pubic bones, deep within, and massage them as well. Let your reproductive organs know that you care for them, enlivening their creative function. Breathe into them.

As you breathe out, feel your kidneys in your lower back, on the left and right sides of your spine, just beneath your lower ribs. In stillness, appreciate the energies of your kidneys. Connect with their wisdom and let go of the stress that overworks your adrenal glands. Possible Days To Get Pregnant

Yolanda found the courage - which comes from the French word coeur, or heart - to face her fear. When she came to her first Fertile Soul retreat she was forty-eight, and had spent most of the previous five years trying to conceive after marrying a man eight years younger. She arrived at our diagnostic session full of apprehension. Spreading out her medical charts in front of me, she asked with anguish, "Is it too late?" After going deeper with her, I said, "Yes, it is too late for you to conceive naturally." I knew that wasn't what she wanted to hear, but it was the only hope for her transformation.

Although tears spilled over as she realized her fear had become reality, eventually Yolanda was able to relinquish the empty hope within and accept the truth. By being courageous she was also able to see that though her theme in life had been to provide her husband with a child, because she thought he needed one to complete their future together, she had never really wanted a child herself. Her courage also enabled her to recall a dream from her childhood: to help orphaned children throughout the world. Once Yolanda found and accepted her true nature and reality, she was able to live her dream, and now works with orphans. She found and applied the courage to create a new world.

Being yourself

Allowing yourself to live according to your true inner nature enables you to immerse yourself in life, to love, to express compassion, to create, and to accept things the way they are, which opens you more readily to improvement. In many ancient languages, there is no word for "artist" because it was recognized that we are all creators. Take a minute now to remember your first creative experience - was it drawing a picture, planting a seed, singing a song? Now think about what you are creating in your life right now - what are you making manifest? What something are you making from nothing? What options are you opening up? What energy are you expressing? Are your creative acts sacred to you? Are they enlivening your spirit? Do they express your deepest self? Are they supporting your highest good? 

Ask yourself these questions each time you start an endeavor, and become still so that the inner voice that answers is louder than the outer voices that surround you. By listening to that inner voice you will live an abundant life and be your own true fountain of plenty. Possible Days To Get Pregnant

Find and Embrace Your Inner Spaciousness

Possible Days To Get Pregnant

When women truly accept themselves for who they are, and feel fully comfortable within their own skin, they open up to something bigger - a sense of wonder and possibility. However, many people take on more than they can comfortably handle, trying to fill feelings of lack, the shameful worry that they're not good enough. But keeping excessively busy with stressful jobs, relationships, and routines only adds to bad feelings, stress, and exhaustion, often causing health to suffer. Many women ignore their bodies' messages until life forces them, through pain or illness, to really take care of themselves.

In everyday life this may mean letting go of an activity, a relationship, or a job. Internally this may mean turning our attention within to release tension that is held inside, maligning with our higher nature by focusing on our own health and well-being while we let the external world care for itself. By acknowledging the patterns that have served us in the past and allowing those that no longer serve us to dissolve, we enable our internal energy to flow, smoothly and unobstructed, bringing us to a state of true freedom. This inner spaciousness is essential to our well-being. Just as the emptiness of a bowl allows it to be filled, in this inner nothingness we find everything. When we're too busy - full of work, worries, responsibilities, guilt, shame - there's no room. Inner peace is necessary in order to have the inner reserves to power our own inner transformations - hormonal, emotional, or those that fulfill our visions and dreams. To learn more, you can check out Possible Days To Get Pregnant.