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What To Do To Increase Fertility - Restoring Balance To Qi

What To Do To Increase Fertility

I talked about the body's horizontal and vertical energy grids and represented the five energetic tendencies in the shape of a cross, represented by a four petaled flower. To refresh your memory, the base of the cross, the source or "essence" level, represented by water, is our physical, deepest, most dense level. The arms of the cross, represented by wood, earth, and metal, the soul or "qi" level, represent how we carry out the beliefs of our mind and emotions as we interact with the world. The top of the cross, the spirit level, represented by fire, signifies the highest state of being. Peace and joy come by balancing the physical self with the soul and the spirit.

The cross can also show how each of the five energy tendencies has a corresponding physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual component.

What To Do To Increase Fertility

The gathering, sinking energies - These energies represent our basic survival instincts. In order to maximize and balance these source energies, ask yourself these questions:
  1. How often do I allow myself time to be alone? (Be certain to allow some time alone every day.)
  2. How often do I meditate or allow my mind to relax with a hobby or pleasurable project?
  3. How do I feel about myself, irrespective of my job, friends, partnerships, or status in life? (Evaluate how you feel weekly.)
  4. Do I love myself first?
Rising, dispersing energies - These energies represent our ability to overcome resistance to things that keep us stuck in bad patterns. To maximize and balance these soul energies, ask yourself these questions: What To Do To Increase Fertility
  1. Which areas of my life am I tolerating simply because it takes too much effort to change them?
  2. Which areas of my life keep me stuck?
  3. Which areas can I change? 
Centering, stabilizing energies - These energies govern what we allow into our lives. To maximize and balance them, ask:
  1. Which innate qualities define me?
  2. Who or what supports or doesn't support these qualities?  
  3. Is there any action I need to take?
Solidifying, compacting energies - These energies bind us to people, places, things, and situations and give us a sense of order and control. To maximize and balance them, ask:
  1. Which partnerships define me? (Ideally, very few.) 
  2. Which people, places, things, or situations do I need to release?
  3. What masks of self identity am I ready to relinquish?
Expanding, increasing energies - These energies, usually hidden by obstructions in other tendencies, are innate expressions of the inherent hope, love, and joy of life. To maximize and balance these spirit energies, ask yourself:
  1. Which activities allow me to completely lose myself or lose track of time?
  2. How do I express the unadulterated joy of being?
  3. Who can I love without needing anything in return? 
Balancing energy in the body

Now we're going to look at the grid in yet another way to learn how energy obstructions can negatively affect organ systems. These exercises will help you evaluate whether energy systems are functioning smoothly and optimally. For example, if your libido is strong but you experience hot flashes, you likely are deficient in kidney yin. Or you may have excess heat from another source.

However, for now we are only evaluating imbalances, not interpreting what they mean. There are no right or wrong answers. The questions are meant to raise your level of awareness about each of the energetic systems. If your answers indicate imbalance, the following posts will give you the keys for opening up obstructed energies.

Organ function is governed by the five energy elements. The source level, represented by water and the kidney system, governs our sexual energies, our hormonal output, and our water elimination.
To discover blocked kidney energies, ask yourself these questions: What To Do To Increase Fertility
  1. How well do I eliminate fluid?
  2. Do I have difficulty holding my urine, do I urinate too frequently (more than seven times per day), or does the need to urinate wake me from sleep?
  3. Is my libido strong enough for me?
  4. Am I experiencing hot flashes and night sweats?
  5. Do I experience pain or weakness in my structural foundation (my low back or knees)? 
The soul level is represented by wood, earth, and metal. Wood governs the liver system, which oversees our ability to overcome internal stress. To discover blocked liver energies, ask yourself:
  1. How well does my body process new changes?
  2. Do I tend to hold onto physical ailments a long time? 
  3. Does it seem that some areas inside my body just aren't functioning smoothly?
  4. How can I move more pleasurably?
  5. Are my tendons and joints stiff?
  6. Do I feel like my body needs to decongest and detoxify?
The earth aspect of the soul level is also represented by the spleen, which governs digestion, absorption, and blood production. To uncover blocked spleen energies, ask yourself:
  1. How is my digestion?
  2. How many times do I chew before I swallow?
  3. Do I feel adequately nourished?
  4. Do I take nutritional supplements?
  5. How well do my muscles move?
  6. Do I practice movement every day?  
The metal aspect of the soul level is also represented by the lungs, which govern how well we're protected from and separated from the outside environment. They govern elimination and release of old cells and worn-out relationships and patterns as well. To uncover blocked lung energies, ask yourself: 
  1. How deeply do I breathe? Does my belly expand when I inhale or does the breath remain up in my chest? 
  2. What or whom do I have difficulty letting go of?
  3. Do I exfoliate, sauna, or brush my skin?
  4. Do I have a bowel movement every day? 
  5. Do I take in enough fiber? 

What To Do To Increase Fertility

The spirit level is represented by the heart, which signifies the highest self that wants to share and express itself in the world. To discover blocked heart energies, ask:
  1. Do I feel anxious and impatient?
  2. Does my heart beat rapidly or erratically during times of stress?
  3. Can I allow myself time to simply relax and be?
To learn more, you can check out What To Do To Increase Fertility.