Have you ever noticed your mind overthinking, producing chattering thoughts? Have you ever found yourself reflecting those thoughts by talking incessantly? Just as most people don't listen to people who talk constantly, most of us don't listen to our own chattering thoughts - sometimes we even try to drown them out.
My husband, for example, after a trying day, used to try to drown out the thoughts spinning around in his head by listening to loud music and sitting in front of a blaring television. But inner chatter is telling us that something is wrong. It's important to accept and release the cause of the imbalance; the renewed energy dissolves the noise in our way. Excessive talk is usually good only for hurling out opinions, making judgments, and announcing how we want to be perceived by the world. It is better to save our voices for our inner song, the only thing that truly matters.
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Ways To Conceive Faster |
Sound, like song, can also heal imbalanced earth energies and allow life to live through you. In fact, I often use sound during healing, meditative sessions with clients. To use sound to increase your well-being, find a tone inside your mind that represents your idea of what the Divine sounds like. For example, the Sound Om represents God in some traditions. Let this tone resonate within your very being; change it if you need to so that the tone represents the Divine within your heart. Then use the sound as your own special prayer to the Divine and to heal yourself. Ways To Conceive Faster
A thirty-year-old retreat patient of mine, Belinda, had a tragic history of being sexually abused by her father. Despite this, when her father become terminally ill just as she was trying to have a first child, she cared for him lovingly until he passed away. After her father died, Belinda's blood work told her doctor that she was in absolute, irreversible menopause - her FSH level was 150 (a reading over 50 indicates menopause). Knowing how much pain this situation caused Belinda, her neighbor lent her a healing bowl, with which she meditated daily. Each time she meditated, she rubbed a stick around the outside of the bowl's lip, causing the bowl to make a sound in tune with the energies of the kidneys, which represent the sexual energies. The following month, Belinda's FSH level was 7, indicating she was not in menopause, only in protective mode. She had healed herself.
The Healing Power of Caring for Yourself
Earth energies are caring and nurturing. Like the earth itself, these energies are centered, stable, grounded, and abundant, and they enable us to be kind, helpful, sweet, generous, and supportive, both to ourselves and to others. They help to sustain the momentum of other moving energies and also to draw others to us.
When earth energies are out of balance, people forget to support and love themselves; they lose themselves trying to please others. They have difficulty saying no. They resist change and cling to what they know. They become overburdened, both physically and mentally. They lack energy, and worry to the point of obsession. Physically, digestion becomes sluggish. Allergies and fluid retention are common. People with earth energy imbalances may crave starches and sweets. When the imbalance is severe, they may develop diabetes.
Imbalanced spleen energies can result in a total loss of self. People with this imbalance live for their spouses, parents, children, or friends. They become so good at taking care of the outside world that they forget how to take care of their sacred selves. Eventually, their internal protective mechanism - their immune system - can turn against them, and they can develop autoimmune diseases. While they see others as friends, they become their own enemies, and their cells reflect the internal battle.
Lananda developed a condition in which her body initiated an assault on her entire endocrine system, a condition known as panendocrinopathy, which caused most of her hormonal system to shut down. At the Fertile Soul retreat she learned that her issues centered around taking care of others at her own expense. I put her on a program in which she defined her boundaries and fiercely honored them while she ate healthy, organic foods fresh from the ground. Within eight months, Lananda's endocrine system completely returned to normal.
Unsticking Earth Energies
To mobilize and resolve stuck earth energies, there are a number of things you can do. As I said earlier, singing, dancing, and making joyous sounds that connect you with the Divine are important. But you also need to care for yourself. That involves developing self-confidence, seeking inner guidance, and following a routine of healthful nourishment and activity. Ways To Conceive Faster
Eating mindfully
Earth energy imbalance leads to sugar craving. If you indulge the craving, the rise and fall in your blood sugar levels will negatively affect your kidneys and spleen and cause the release of stress hormones to deal with the imbalance. To bring spleen energies back in balance and lower blood sugar levels and stress, avoid eating simple sugar in all of its forms, including cake, candy, and pastries. Also curtail:
- Heavy, greasy foods
- Starches
- Fats
- Dairy products
- Pasta
- Wheat
- Rich sauces
In addition to being mindful of the food you eat, pay attention to the entire eating process, from preparing your food to the last swallow and dab with the napkin. Many people eat either to fill the emptiness inside or to make their taste buds happy. But eating is really about fulfilling ourselves and acknowledging that life is an exchange of energy in the form of breath, thoughts, emotions, actions, and food.
To eat mindfully, chew every piece of food thoroughly. Gather as much saliva as you can with each mouthful and swallow deeply; when maximized and properly utilized, saliva can raise the glutathione level in the intestine, which lubricates healthy joint function. After you swallow a bite, think about where the food is going and connect with it inside your body as well.
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Ways To Conceive Faster |
Not long ago I had a profound and rejuvenating experience eating an orange. I had taken a ten-minute break from a harried day and retreated to my kitchen for something to eat; my energies were all stuffed between my ears and I couldn't find peace or access the wisdom within me. As I sat at the table, I did nothing but eat my orange. I held it. I felt its firm roundness and looked at the dimples in its skin. I connected with the orange and then I began to peel it.
As I unwrapped the gift, I inhaled the sprays of aroma that ignited my sense of smell. I looked mindfully at the naked orange as it lay before me, urging me to help the segments nature had prepared blossom into my nourishment. As I picked up the first segment, I noticed how it had a unique identity.
I looked, I connected, I bit. Sprays of flavor shot throughout my mouth as I paid attention to how my saliva mingled with the juice. I swallowed. I tooked at the remainder of the segment into which I had bitten and noticed the tiny packages of bound orange nectar, waiting to be a part of my next experience of bliss. I bit again. I savored the next bite as well, and continued until I was in tears. That orange was the best meat of my life, and after eating it I went back to work as if it were a new day. All it took was eating mindfully - by savoring that orange I savored life.
When we connect with the food we put into our mouths, we connect with the food's source as well as with our digestive system. Native people long ago even connected with the spirit of the animal whose meat they ate so that the spirit that gave the animal life would give them life as well. When we eat foods that were connected with the earth over a period of time, we receive their qi, which enhances our earth energies. Foods such as eggs from caged chickens that never walked on the ground contain much less qi and provide us with less energy. To eat mindfully and healthfully, you need to eat from nature-whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and organic, compassionately killed animals - and avoid eating food that comes in a box. To learn more, you can check out Ways To Conceive Faster.