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Showing posts with label Tips Get Pregnant Fast. Show all posts

Help With Getting Pregnant Fast

Assessing your own fertility
So, is it possible to tell whether you're one of those women who will be able to get pregnant easily if you put it off until you are older, or whether you really ought to start trying as soon as you can if you want to have children eventually? Unfortunately, it is impossible to give any kind of definitive answer, but there are some indicators that may help you assess whether you are more at risk of having problems.
Help With Getting Pregnant Fast

Fertility indicators
Are your periods regular?
Women who have regular periods are more likely to ovulating, and less likely to be entering the perimenopause (the term given to the years which lead up to the menopause itself). If your periods are irregular or absent, this can suggest problems with your hormones, and may also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome: a condition that can prevent normal ovulation. Very heavy bleeding is sometimes a symptom of fibroids, benign tumors that grow around the womb and which can affect your fertility.

The length of cycle is also relevant. Anything between 25 and 35 days is generally considered normal, and if you have a regular cycle of this kind of length you are more likely to be ovulating.
Have you had a sexually transmitted disease? 

Women who've had chlamydia and gonorrhoea are at greater risk of having fertility problems, as is anyone who has had pelvic inflammatory disease, which is not always sexually transmitted. Many women with these infections experience no symptoms at all, and yet if they are left untreated they can lead to scarring in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, tubal blockages or ectopic pregnancy. Those most at risk of sexually transmitted disease are younger, sexually active women who have had multiple partners and who don't always use condoms.
Have you had surgery in your pelvic area? 

If you have had surgery to remove an appendix or ovarian cyst, or any other kind of surgery on your womb, ovaries or fallopian tubes you may be more at risk of infertility, as this can leave scarring that may block the fallopian tubes.

Are you very overweight or underweight? 

Being naturally slim or on the rounded side is not going to stop you getting pregnant, but weight problems can have serious consequences for your fertility. Women who are underweight often stop ovulating, and those who have a history of eating disorders will often find that their periods are affected. Equally, very overweight women may have ovulation problems, which make them less likely to conceive.

Doctors use the Body Mass Index, or BMI, to calculate whether people fall outside the healthy weight ranges for their height. If you want to work yours out, you divide your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared (that's your height in metres multiplied by itself). If your maths isn't up to it, you can find lots of easy calculators on the Internet to work it out for you, where you just type in your weight and height. The general rule is that a BMI of over 30 or under 20 could affect your chances of conceiving.

BMI is a rather blunt instrument and doesn't take account of an individual's frame or muscle, which weighs more than fat. It is possible for a super-fit athlete to fall into the overweight bands by being extremely muscular, but this isn't an excuse that will apply to most of us. Generally a very high or low BMI does suggest we should look at our diet and levels of exercise.

Do you have endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the spongy womb lining is found elsewhere in the body, usually in the pelvic area around the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The
most common symptoms are pelvic pain and irregular or heavy periods, although some women are unaware that they have the condition. Many women with endometriosis get pregnant without any problems at all, but it is estimated that between 30 and 40 per cent of sufferers have difficulty conceiving. To find out more, you can check out Help With Getting Pregnant Fast.

Easy Way To Get Pregnant Naturally

Leaving it to chance
Although most of us have had the need for effective contraceptive use drummed into us from our teenage years, research suggests that as many as one in three pregnancies are unplanned. Although some of these pregnancies may be the result of contraceptive failure, far more are due to risk-taking. Women who had been feeling slightly ambivalent about motherhood may discover that getting pregnant unintentionally takes the element of choice away. Although some may opt to terminate the pregnancy, many decide that they want to keep the baby, particularly if they had been hoping to have children in the not too distant future.

It can be hard to make the decision to start a family, and you may never feel that the time is absolutely right. Couples who are dithering about making the commitment sometimes leave it to chance by being less careful about contraception. Although they may not be actively trying to have a baby, they may not be trying particularly hard not to have one either.
Easy Way To Get Pregnant Naturally

Making a commitment
Women's lives today are not always child-friendly. Our jobs often involve working long hours or lots of travel.
Enjoying a social life, going out with different partners, seeing the world and having some life experiences can all feel more immediately important than starting a family. We may want to achieve some of our other goals in life before we are ready to think about having babies, and this means that more and more of us are well into our thirties before we seriously consider motherhood.
For young professional couples who may have spent many years enjoying their freedom and their lifestyles, starting a family can appear to be a huge life-changing step. Once you start analyzing the pros and cons, you may never feel you are at precisely the right point in your life.

Financial security is very important to some couples, who need to feel that they are settled and have enough money before making a commitment. Others may want to wait until they have a home with enough space for a child, or until they've got that promotion or pay rise they've been anticipating. The reality is that we could always be more financially secure and settled, have a larger home or have got one step further in our careers, and there is always an excuse when we are not entirely sure. For a generation accustomed to having so much choice, it is not an easy decision.
'I think it's quite a scary thing to do. In a way, you never feel ready, and we both had periods of thinking we'll make the decision and start trying and then complete panic that we had made that decision. I think it is hard, particularly for our generation, because we are used to being quite selfish really and we do see it as giving up stuff. I think for our parents it was just more automatic" Rochel, 31

What influences the decision? 

For each individual, there may be a number of different factors that finally convince us we are ready for children. They may come from within and be related to our particular circumstances, or there may be external influences which lead us to the conclusion that the time is right to start trying for a baby.

Sometimes it is an outside event that alters your perspective, and can suddenly make you think that you are ready to make the decision to have children. It can be a relatively obvious matter of a friend or relative getting pregnant or having a baby that makes the idea more appealing, but the catalyst can come from anywhere and can be set off by any event that makes you take stock of your life and think seriously about your future.

'I'd never wanted children. It just wasn't important. I was very much into my career, getting on in life. I had other things to do. Then my granddad died, and I started wondering whether it was something to think about.' Corinne, 36. To find out more, you can check out Easy Way To Get Pregnant Naturally.


Tips Get Pregnant Fast - The Five Energy Tendencies

Tips Get Pregnant Fast

Energy tendencies are metaphors for aspects of nature that repeat themselves over and over again: earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. These tendencies show up in our personalities, emotions, interactions, and bodies. They create our energy field: the way we think, feel, and relate to ourselves and others. When our energy field is strong, nothing can penetrate it; negative messages from magazines, the Internet, television, billboards, news, and nonsupportive coworkers and family members cannot get in. 

Earth energies

Drawing the energy of the earth to the center of the body, represented by the spleen and the digestive system, creates a strong earth energy field. To assess how well your earth energies are functioning, consider how well you are maintaining boundaries in your life. Are you pulled in too many directions at once? Can you say no when you need to?