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Showing posts with label How To Increase Chance Of Conception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Increase Chance Of Conception. Show all posts

Woman Trying To Get Pregnant

Do you smoke, take recreational drugs or drink too much alcohol? 

These can all have adverse effects on your fertility, and make you more likely to miscarry or to have problems with the pregnancy when you conceive. If you are a smoker, try to give up, and if your partner smokes, get him to stop too. Smoking, and even passive smoking, has been clearly linked with reduced fertility. Heavy alcohol consumption, binge drinking and recreational drugs can all have an impact on your fertility too.

Woman Trying To Get Pregnant

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?
Eating healthily and taking regular exercise will help keep your body in good physical condition, which will maximize your chances of conceiving. You don't have to sign yourself up for a punishing fitness regime to reap the benefits of exercise, particularly if you tend to be a bit of a couch potato. All you need is regular gentle exercise to increase your physical strength and stamina, and it can also improve your general well-being. Trying to ensure you have a healthy diet is often difficult when you lead a busy life, but if you can manage to eat healthily you are more likely to be getting the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help your reproductive system to work properly.

How old was your mother at her menopause? 

If you know that your mother had a very early or late menopause this may have a bearing on your own fertility. It is believed that there is often a genetic link when it comes to the biological clock, and that your own menopause may be early or late depending on your mother's experience.

Home testing
You can now buy tests, from a pharmacy or online, that aim to help you assess your own fertility. They check your hormone levels to try to give you an idea of the quality and quantity of eggs remaining in your ovaries, known as the ovarian reserve. Some use a simple urine test that can be done in the privacy of your own home, and give an instant result. Others involve a blood test that has to be sent away to a laboratory for analysis.

The tests work by measuring your levels of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which is an indicator of the ovarian reserve. When the ovaries are full of good quality eggs, your body doesn't have to work particularly hard to ripen and release them, but as the eggs get older and their numbers decline, the body has to produce higher levels of FSH to help them on their way. Some tests also measure inhibin B and anti-Mullerian hormone, (AMH) as low levels of these hormones may suggest a poor ovarian reserve.

Although these hormone levels can give some indication of ovarian reserve, they often fluctuate from cycle to cycle. One test alone may not give a particularly accurate picture of what is happening in your ovaries, and for this reason some of these products include two tests so that you can check your initial findings. The tests can be expensive, and if you are really worried that you may be approaching the menopause, you may be better off going to see your doctor and having tests done professionally.

It is also important to remember that a test result indicating a good ovarian reserve doesn't give you the green light to assume that you will get pregnant if you wait another two, or three, or five years before you try to have a baby. Although they may be useful at alerting you to a problem with your eggs, the tests can't assess other aspects of your fertility. It is quite possible to have a good outcome and yet to find that there may be other factors that could make it difficult for you to get pregnant naturally. To find out more, you can check out Woman Trying To Get Pregnant.

How To Increase Chance Of Conception - Control Your Emotions

How To Increase Chance Of Conception

When there is excessive elation, the qi becomes loose 

Like all the other emotions, joy, too, can become excessive. When we overemphasize the importance of outside stimulation to make us happy, we can spend too much time seeking pleasure and excitement and lose the ability to know what makes us truly happy because we're not connecting to the inherent joy within. We trust less in internal cues and depend more on external consensus: in other words, we live from the outside in, rather than the inside out.

How To Increase Chances Of Conception

But when we find the joy within, we don't need to seek joy elsewhere. Because the heart houses our direct connection to the Divine, it provides us with a natural feeling of ecstasy that can be endlessly replenished and needs no outside stimulus. An open, balanced heart expresses joy, contentment, and gratitude for life. It lets us live in harmony with ourselves as well as the world around us. As the heart pumps blood throughout our body, the spirit pours love beyond the body and gives us a sense of oneness with the universe and the knowledge that we are part of Divine creation.

Barbara arrived at the retreat as sweet as she could be on the surface but angry and repressed inside. She made a fuss when anything wasn't to her liking and constantly complained to my staff, though she acted like an angel around me. When I worked with Barbara, I learned that she had been sexually abuse as a small child and that the anger she still held inside over what had happened to her had seared her blood, not allowing it to flow. Her treatment plan consisted of expressing and releasing her anger and finding her real sexual identity. With time she was able to do this and became a counselor for abuse women. How To Increase Chance Of Conception 

Equalizing Emotional Energies 

Women don't heal through the accumulation of mental knowledge - they heal with their bodies. So when unexpressed or excessive emotions accumulate and obstruct qi, women need to move their bodies to express and release the emotions and reclaim their vitality. I use the following movement exercise to help women release obstructed emotions. 

Flowing with the world

You may do the entire exercise at the same time or the relevant part when the particular emotion reveals itself to you. As you act out the movements, you may want to play music that helps you express the emotions. The process may evoke some difficult feelings, but if you are willing to trust that the discomfort will pass, your inner healer will resolve what no therapist can.

Remember that there is nothing wrong with any emotion, and it's not necessary or helpful to chastise yourself for how you're feeling at any moment - even if you feel you've lost ground and aren't feeling as joyful as you were. Your emotions are important, ever-fluctuating tools of self-evaluation and guidance, and as natural as breathing. But how you handle them makes all the difference to your health and well-being, so use these exercises to help keep the energy flowing.

When there is fear, lift the energies within from descent to ascent. When you notice fear in yourself, lie down on your side, with your knees and hips bent, curled up in a ball. Breathe deeply into your source as you consider how fear draws you in to protect yourself. Feel the sense of fear you have about anything in your life that makes you feel unsafe.

Acknowledge the fear. Breathe into it. See it for what it is, and find your foundation of safety within. What can help you rise above the fear? Often, fear is rooted in not feeling deserving or in a feeling that someone is going to do something that will negatively impact your life. If this is so, look for ways to soothe yourself, remembering that well-being is your natural state. Know that when you stay balanced, then you stay aligned with the universe and nothing that happens can shake your Divine connection for long. Little by little, continuing to breathe deeply, bring yourself from this spineless, contracted fetal position into a strong upright stance.

When there is anger, let off steam. Wherever you feel internal tension, frustration, anger, or fury, breathe rapidly and shallowly into that part of your body. Then exhale forcefully. Shake out the anger. Yell it out. Scream it out. Stomp it out. Do whatever your anger inspires you to do until you have released all the built-up tension. Then allow yourself to collapse and feel for that place of pure compassion for yourself and the original source of your anger. How To Increase Chance Of Conception

When there is obsessive thought, untie the knot of bound qi. Do you have discomfort in your belly, a gut reaction to stress? Bring all the neurons, the cables of tangled thought, to that spot deep inside your belly. Feel the tension condense into a tightly closed fist that tries to hold onto something that doesn't really exist. See the fist in your mind's eye and clench it even tighter. Then slowly open the fiat, finger by finger, unclenching the hand and letting the tension go until it is just an open palm, receptive to nourishment and fresh new options.

When there is sadness, bring the qi back. With your arms folded over your chest, feel the loss, whatever it is. As you inhale, experiencing the pain and loneliness, tap with your fingertips over your breastbone to release the energy, then open your arms wide, exhale, and let them go. Let the part of you that is attached to grief expire with the breath as you open your arms. Then, when you feel the sense of release, exaggerate the exhalation. Feel the emptiness between the exhalation and the next inhalation and notice how your breath returns naturally, filling your lungs with acceptance and love. Receive the love that comes with the spirit of your breath.

How To Increase Chances Of Conception

When there is excessive excitement, reel in the qi. If you find that your quest for external fulfillment is causing you to lose touch with your body, bring it inside. Feel the loving spirit and send it to penetrate every cell in your body. Love yourself and forgive yourself, and forgive others as well. Through your blood and your spirit, feel the beat of your heart and the love it spreads.

Send the river of love, unconditional and unrestricted, to the depth of your source, to the pure potential within you. Then invite all the other energies to join this powerful force to help you recognize your true self. Realize that you are overcoming the conditioning that has prevented you from reaching your highest state of being and, through love and compassion, feel the miracle that you are. Such connection can help slow down your activity to a pace that is balanced with stillness. To learn more, you can check out How To Increase Chances Of Conception.