The following causes of infertility are recognized:
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Possible Causes Of Infertility |
- Nutritional factors. A seriously faulty diet may be responsible for infertility (e.g. obesity or anorexia can cause infertility problems).
- Endocrine abnormalities. Pituitary, thyroid or adrenal disorders of either hyperfunction or hypofunction can cause infertility.
- Vaginal disorders. Abnormalities of development such as absence or stenosis of the vagina or imperforate hymen may prevent vaginal penetration. Vaginitis of any type, if severe, may destroy or inactivate spermatozoa (sperm cells).
- Cervical abnormalities. Cervicitis is extremely noxious to spermatozoa. Cervisitis tumors such as polyps may obstruct the canal or, because of associated infection and discharge, may block the transit of spermatozoa through the cervix.
- Uterine abnormalities. Uterine maldevelopment such as hypoplasia may prevent the implantation or adequate development of the fertilized ovum. Uterine tumors, particularly polyps and myomas, may injure the uterus, reduce the blood supply, or compromise the fertilized ovum to that development to viability is impossible.
- Tubal disorders. Tubal obstruction, generally the result of infection may block the tube to the ovum (egg) or spermatozoa, External pressure or distortion due to perisalpingal adhesions (scar tissue), as with endometriosis, may obstruct the tube.
- Ovarian abnormities. Congenital abnormalities such as ovarian dysgenesis (wrong development) or agenesis (no ovaries) may be associated with few or absent ova (egg). Infections, tumors, or endometriosis may disturb, disrupt, or destroy ovarian function.
- Emotional problem. Severe psychoneurosis or psychosis may be responsible for anovulatory cycles, frequently associated with amenorrhea (no periods) or oligomenorrhea (abnormally infrequent periods).
- Coital factors. Lubricants, feminine hygiene preparations, or douches, which increase vaginal acidity, may inactivate or destroy spermatozoa.
- Chronic disease states
- Immunologic reaction to sperm
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is very common chronic anovulatory (no ovulation occurs) disorder affecting 5-10% of women of reproductive age.
- Pelvic causes. May include any disruption of the normal pelvic anatomy: scar tissue or "adhesions", endometriosis, pelvic tumors.
- Male
factors. Low sperm counts, abnormal sperm morphology (shape) and low
sperm motility are usually asymptomatic conditions to most males. Most
cases of low sperm counts are "idiopathic" or unexplained. Some cases
are associated with a swollen varicose vein in the scrotum, called a
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Possible Causes Of Infertility |
Some simple abnormalities may be improved by reducing stress, reducing heat to the genitals (e.g. avoidance of tight clothing, saunas, or hot tubs), or by changing harmful lifestyle habits (avoiding tobacco, alcohol, or drugs such as marijuana). Short-term illnesses, significant stressful periods and some medication may temporarily affect sperm counts.
If you find you are infertile, then there are many conventional medical interventions you can try, like IVE A good place to start is to ask your doctor - and I recommend you do this. (But this blog is about natural fertility methods and what you can do and apply before you choose conventional invasive treatment.) To find out more, you can check out Possible Causes Of Infertility.