One real problem for many couples is the cost of fertility treatment. Although some may get limited access to funded treatment, the majority of couples do end up having to pay themselves. For affluent professionals, this may not pose huge problems, but for anyone who doesn't have much spare cash, it can be a real hurdle, making treatment effectively inaccessible.
'The consultant said, "You can decide what sort of treatment you want, these are the costs." It was like, here's the sweet shop, if you have some money, you can have what you like. It's basically what you can pay for, and we can't afford any of them. You could borrow fifteen thousand, twenty thousand, and that still might not be enough. All that, and then you don't succeed, or you get pregnant and then you have a miscarriage.' Ellie, 44
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The risk of a multiple birth
When you take any kind of fertility-boosting drug, from clomifene to the more powerful drugs used in IVF, there is a risk of multiple pregnancy. The idea of twins, or even triplets, may seem wonderful to a woman who has spent some time trying to conceive - an instant family in one go. However, women are not designed to carry more than one baby and the natural incidence of multiple pregnancies is surprisingly low, with just 1-2 per cent of natural conceptions being twin pregnancies. The main problem with multiple pregnancies is that the babies are often born prematurely, and prematurity carries many risks. Multiple births are also more risky for mothers, who are more likely to get pre-eclampsia. Women who are going through IVF are advised to think carefully before having more than one embryo replaced in a cycle.
When fertility treatment doesn't work
When a fertility treatment you may have spent years planning and saving for doesn't work, it is devastating. The success rates for all forms of assisted conception are relatively low, and it is only when we took at cumulative success rates over two or three cycles that the picture begins to improve. One treatment cycle failing doesn't mean that treatment won't work for you eventually, but it can be hard to summon the courage to try again. Some couples are eager to throw themselves back into treatment as soon as they can, but others may benefit from some counseling and a break before they consider it again, or may want to move on to other routes to parenthood, or to coming to terms with childlessness.
'It didn't work. That was just terrible. We didn't know where to turn to. You are told over the phone and there's no follow up afterwards. I just went down into the depths of 'despair.' Emma, 38
Traditional Chinese medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbs may be used, as well as acupuncture. It is based on the ancient system used in China, which classifies herbs according to their taste and the way they affect the organs and the meridians, or pathways, in the body. Some of the plants are toxic if taken in large doses, and can cause problems if combined with other herbs, so it is vital that you see a qualified practitioner before using these remedies.
Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine uses plants to treat illness and restore health. Herbs have been used in this way for centuries, and many conventional medicines still use chemicals derived from herbs. Herbalists use the entire plant to make their remedies rather than extracting the active chemical compounds from plants. Many herbal remedies are widely available, but you should see a qualified medical herbalist rather than self-prescribing something that you feel might help your situation.
'I see a herbalist who is very successful. She has got two of my friends pregnant I take a liquid that you dilute and take in water three times a day - I've no idea what it is, and I am not sure whether it does any good, but it certainly isn't doing any harm.' Debbie, 29
There are some herbal remedies that are often prescribed to help with female fertility problems:
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) is derived from the berries of the chaste tree. It is one of the most common herbal remedies for female fertility problems, and is said to boost fertility and regulate the body's hormonal balance. It is also sometimes taken by women with high FSH levels, as it is claimed that this remedy can help bring down FSH levels.
'I took agnus castus and I do think that was a great remedy I used to have quite painful periods that were getting shorter, and agnus castus regulated my cycle. It made my periods less painful and alleviated the symptoms I used to get pre-menstrually. People would need to check that it was right for them, but I did find it really useful. I actually got pregnant shortly after starting to take it but I lost the baby' Isla, 35
Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is used in traditional Chinese medicine to help with female reproductive problems. It is believed to be useful for irregular and absent periods. It should be taken only under supervision of a qualified herbalist, as in large doses it can cause changes to the menstrual flow.
False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) was used by Native Americans to help with female reproductive problems. It is used to improve fertility where there are problems with follicles, to balance hormones and menstrual irregularities and to prevent miscarriage. To find out more, you can check out Chinese Infertility Herbs.